After resurrecting the swift boat strategy against Tim Walz they're now resurrecting the Willie Horton strategy against Kamala Harris. For those who do not recall Willie Horton was a black convicted murderer serving a life sentence who committed serious violent crimes while out on Massachusetts work release program. The George H.W. campaign blamed Horton's crimes on Michael Dukakis while conveniently failing to note that the work release program was created by Dukakis's Republican predecessor and that it was screw up by the Massachusetts Department of Corrections that resulted in Horton's release. I should also note that both the television commercials and the print ads displayed a prominent photo of Horton portraying him as a scary black man. The Trump campaign is now started running commercials displaying members of MS13 who were in the US illegally an committed murders while out on bail when Harris was the San Francisco DA. My guess is that it is possible that Harris's office opposed their release in at least some of the cases and in any event her campaign can always counter the soft on crime commercials by citing the number of persons convicted of murder including gang members during her term who are currently serving life sentences without parole.
The Democrats continue to not listen to their constituents (including me)… the boarder is such a basic common sense issue. Haul off to jail all the Americans who hire those illegally in the US. Make it a Federal crime to hire those illegally in the US with stiff fines and jail time. Enforcement action through deportation. Haul off those who are here illegally. Bolster the court system to clear the backlog of asylum seekers. Those here legally, temporary work, and asylum seekers should not be ostracized. Stop the madness!
Pretty much agree ... greatly expand the work programs until they reach a balance with the demand, and so we know who is here ... then strictly enforce the rest of the laws. I'd also give people who work in the programs faithfully and without legal troubles a path to citizenship.
It was Drumpf and his congressional lackeys who killed a comprehensive bill that would have addressed all of your points and more, not the dems!
Agreed. First we have to ensure the supply of immigrant labor can legally meet demand. Too many businesses and key industries rely on immigrant labor. To punish those that hire the labor when they have no other options would be counter-productive. Too bad we didn't pursue the Gang of 8 solution when we had the chance over a decade ago.
Mostly agree but I do agree with others who say there has to be some kind of amnesty for those here. Otherwise we're going to spend billions and billions of dollars trying to deport illegals while ruining our economy in the process. I don't like to reward that they're here illegally but the only thing that makes sense
Exactly arrest all those who hire illegals and the problem goes away. Unfortunately that would mean we would half to arrest about half the members of congress. lol. But maybe that is a good thing.
...and of course you gloss right past the last line there, bc the Dems pulled a Lucy to Charlie Brown there, and are itching to do it again. That concession was made for a wall. How's that wall coming yall?
You mean this wall? That got destroyed by the annual monsoon floods. Tis the season for them again as it's usually July - Sept. And Trump tried everything to discourage undocumented immigration. His success? According to CATO, he accomplished nothing. The only thing that would discourage undocumented immigrants coming here is a reason to stay in their home country. Otherwise, desperate people will do what they have been doing for generations. Come to the US for a better life. Meanwhile, we have an appetite for their labor. There is no reason why we shouldn't have some sort of mechanism to allow said labor to legally meet demand. Unfortunately, twice the Rs blocked this type of legislation that would create such a system. In 2007, along with the far left Bernie Sanders, and again in 2013 with the Gang of 8.
Can we make it through one thread without someone spelling "border" like "boarder?" The challenge has been issued, will it be accepted?
Trump wasn't elected until almost 30 years after Reagan left office. The wall was barely started and far from finished, and all kinds of resistance to its advancement. So yeah, let's just pretend to pay for something we'll only ever pretend to get, rather than offering any real concessions. Even whores don't spread their legs until after they collect payment. So until there is a commitment to finish the wall, per rule of law, let's enforce the hell out of the laws on the books.... (and let yall pretend champs of immigrants nut the hell up, and actually promote a change to the law that yall actually pretend to want).
The concession wasn't made for a wall, it was made in exchange for enforcement of immigration laws against employers that illegally hire undocumented immigrants and implicitly would verify the immigration status of new hires. By the way your Orange God who rails against illegal immigration has a history of hiring undocumented immigrants going all the back to his stunt of hiring undocumented Polish immigrants when he was constructing Trump Tower, stiffing them and threatening to report them to the INS if they complained that they weren't being paid. He was hired undocumented immigrants when his Bedminster club was being constructed as well as in housekeeping at the club. In fact, his personal housekeeper was undocumented. She was ultimately fired when the press became aware that she was employed by Trump and reported her employment.
Yeah. What bad could happen if we deported up to 50% of our agricultural workers and create massive foodstuff shortages? And families? If one parent is undocumented, split them up! Who cares about families! As you state, this issue has been going on for generations. Know when it wasn't a major problem? From 1945 through 1962, when we had the Bracero Program, and allowed for supply of immigrants to legally meet demand. Why can't we have another program like that again? We've tried everything else and know what has worked? Nothing. And nothing ever will. An expanded guest worker program isn't a cure-all, but there's good reason why twice bipartisan committees suggested it. It's a big part of making the problem better.
Its not even a their/there situation, I dont understand why so many people misspell it in such a weird way. It doesnt even look right! I cant imagine its an autocorrect thing either.
President George W. Bush's 2007 Immigration Reform Act contained an expanded guest worker provision. Despite strong bipartisan support it was killed by an odd coalition of anti-immigrant Republicans and pro-labor Democrats including Bernie Sanders who opposed the bill on the basis that the guest worker provision could depress wages.