The Washington Examiner, a hard right publication, is stating the obvious. Republicans are starting to panic over Trump's decline. Says that republicans are privately hoping to replace Trump. I don't think they can replace Trump, unless he quits, which he wont ... I guess they are stuck with him. Reminds me of recent thread that even the alt right Nazis were dumping Trump. Zero excitement left for this weird elderly man. With former President Donald Trump trailing in the polling averages for the first time in months, Republicans are starting to panic. Trump’s deficits as a candidate have some Republicans privately pining for the switcheroo Democrats pulled off at the top of their ticket from President Joe Biden to Vice President Kamala Harris. As their convention approaches, Democrats appear to have breathed new life into the campaign, with a little bit of help from their friends in the media. It’s Republicans’ turn to panic about their nominee and the polls (
Typical of the Dem's. Accuse the Republicans of doing something that in reality is what the Dem's are doing.
I hope not. Donald Trump has always been the most likely GOP candidate to lose the election because most Americans don't like him. Let him remain.
My head hurts. Care to elaborate? Who are the Dem's [sic] here and what are they accusing the Republicans of doing that they themselves are doing?
Now republicans are telling Trump he is campaigning wrong. Top Republicans call on Trump to stop insulting Harris, refocus on policy
billboards with him in front of tiny crowds outside all the places he likes to frequent and ads on stations he favors..
That’s funny. Must be the new talking point as last night my father was saying how he’s frustrated that Trump is campaigning wrong.
if he listens to them, it will be the first time. don't see it happening and it is glorious that the clowns that helped him are going to suffer because of him. Hopefully Hawley and Jordan get sent packing. we need to cleanse DC of any trace of MAGA Jim Jordan opponent reaches $1 million mark amid Kamala Harris excitement | News | Challengers outraise incumbents in Missouri races for Senate, 1st Congressional District • Missouri Independent
nobody likes a loser? odd that of all the f'd up stuff around trump that is what bothers him, such is the cult life
Today my parents told me they missed the old days when Reagan and Tip O’Neal would disagree then go play golf but nowadays the two sides don’t respect each other. They then immediately launched into saying how bad “lyin” Kamala and “Tampon” Tim are, and how Biden isn’t a normal human being and a massive liar, etc.
Your parents sound like fine folk, and it sounds like the apple didn't too far from the tree... ....but then hit a root, bumped off a stump, then rolled down a vert steep hill, and into a gutter.
This is astounding. High level Republicans think their candidate needs to hear THIS advice: Trump White House alum Larry Kudlow, who also had some advice for Trump: “Don’t wander off, don’t call her stupid and all kinds of names, stay on message.” What will be next, telling Trump not to eat paste?
He thinks he going to win by calling her Kamabla…he thinks that is the kind of thing that’s going to sway the swing voters….