I’ve a question …. if a liberal can’t define what a woman is, how does a white liberal woman know she’s a woman? This confusion might be a factor contributing to their mental health issues. One day the may identify as male, the next female, the next non-binary, the next fluid by hour ….. etc.
This basically means in raw numbers, there are many more people who consider themselves conservative or moderate that have been told by a doctor they have a mental health condition, since almost 3/4 of Americans identify themselves as moderate or conservative. U.S. Political Ideology Steady; Conservatives, Moderates Tie
The maga women I know are batshit crazy. Their crazy just manifests in different ways from the tree screamers...
This is nuts. Wow. As far as the focus of the topic, there's too much missing information. The emphasis is on "diagnosed," but what should we make of the undiagnosed? Are they "undiagnosed" after being evaluated or are they "undiagnosed" from not having ever been evaluated? A lot of men (not saying women can't) can handle the bootstrap approach just fine, BUT everybody has their limits, and knowing those limits and not destroying relationships while understanding one's limits is not always easy to do...especially early in life. Go GATORS! ,WESGATORS
They lose their minds when they find a man who speaks in complete sentences and isnt constantly drooling on themselves
It's too bad that unlike the liberal white women the candidate heading the Republican ticket doesn't realize that he has a mental disorder and it's probably more severe than the conditions of the so called liberal white women who have turned to therapy. George Conway Breaks Down Trump’s Deep ‘Mental Disorder’
Haven't studied data but suspect men are typically less likely than women to want to talk about their feelings and ask for help, and I also suspect that's more true for conservative men than liberal men. With respect to any racial disparities, it would be interesting to account for variables such as the financial ability to access treatment any cultural stigmas about mental health treatment within certain communities. I have no reason to believe that there is an actual difference in the prevalence of mental health challenges based on political affiliation, sex, or race.
I listened to a Stuff You Should Know podcast on narcissism during a hike this week. Man, Trump seems like a textbook case.
Here’s a Columbia study re liberals and depression. Seems to indicate liberal/progressive politics causes depression. Why Depression Rates Are Higher Among Liberals American adults who identify as politically liberal have long reported lower levels of happiness and psychological well-being than conservatives, a trend that mental-health experts suspect is at least partly explained by liberals’ tendency to spend more time worrying about stress-inducing topics like racial injustice, income inequality, gun violence, and climate change. Now a team of Columbia epidemiologists has found evidence that the same pattern holds for American teenagers. The researchers analyzed surveys collected from more than eighty-six thousand twelfth graders over a thirteen-year period and discovered that while rates of depression have been rising among students of all political persuasions and demographics, they have been increasing most sharply among progressive students — and especially among liberal girls from low-income families. The authors, who include Columbia professors Katherine M. Keyes ’10PH, Seth J. Prins ’16PH, and Lisa M. Bates, along with graduate student and lead author Catherine Gimbrone, speculatethat left-leaning teens may have been deeply affected by Donald Trump’s election as president, the US Supreme Court’s subsequent lurch to the right, rising socioeconomic inequality, and worsening political polarization. “Liberal adolescents may have therefore experienced alienation within a growing conservative political climate such that their mental health suffered in comparison to that of their conservative peers whose hegemonic views were flourishing,” they write.