It's ok. When you own one team so badly, in so many heart wrenching ways, we can forget the details while knowing that UT fans never forget.
Earlier today I read that due to warmer water, Atlantic white shrimp are now appearing in Chesapeake Bay (article below). Not only has this created a new commercial fishery in Maryland and Virginia, the appearance of pompano, redfish, trout, and other species usually found further south are changing and improving the sport and recreational fishing in the Bay. How promising shrimp fishery developed off Eastern Shore of Virginia
I meant do I think.. And no. The earth has gone through many cooling and heating phases… with and without man’s involvement. My belief is that it is cyclical on a MASSIVE scale. My belief.. I don’t hold anyone else to it and don’t mind different takes.
lol. I can’t remember but I know it was Palmer at qb, or was it grossman? Alcohol is not great for memory.
Why do you have this belief? Seems like what you are saying is given there are other potential natural causes of warming, including historically then it likely isn’t man made? Yes historically other things have caused warming. However typically such things are over much longer timeframes. Here is how I look at it. I will list some scientific facts or at least accepted hypotheses which in my mind logically lead one to recent warning is made made - CO2 methane and other greenhouse gases do warm the earth. -ignoring climate change greenhouse gases historically warm the earth and make the earth inhabitable - increasing temps approx 60 degrees F What Is the Greenhouse Effect? (forgive the kids link) During the day, the Sun shines through the atmosphere. Earth's surface warms up in the sunlight. At night, Earth's surface cools, releasing heat back into the air. But some of the heat is trapped by the greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. That's what keeps our Earth a warm and cozy 58 degrees Fahrenheit (14 degrees Celsius), on average. So given that it seems plausible that an increase of CO2 of about 50 percent could cause a few more degrees of warming, correct? But how we know the CO2 increase is man made? the onset of industrial,of its value in 1750. From the Industrial Revolution to Climate Change: What Happened and Why? - 2041 Foundation. The order of magnitude of incremental human CO2 emissions is consistent with the net increase in CO2 in atmosphere. - We have strong information knowing that temperatures have increased over 150 years. - could it be something else? None of the natural factors we know can warm the earth can explain the warming Sun & climate: moving in opposite directions So we are left with the logical conclusion that the recent warming is man made.
Yep, we were in Copenhagen, malmo, Amsterdam and Belgium last spring. Clearly those areas are de emphasizing fossil fuel use as oil is much more expensive there. Bikes rule, especially Amsterdam. Ironically, a trumpster friend absolutely loves everything about Copenhagen, which is a weird to me given their politics.
I agree, but with one admonition... we should consider working harder to save our rainforests, and we should prevent deforestation everywhere we can.
Reminds me of a somewhat tongue in cheek article I once read saying Russia was happy to have global warming. Bring it on as they will ultimately have palm trees in Siberia.
I I just feel fortunate to still be alive after the world was predicted to end some odd 15 -20 years ago.
I’m a conservative and don’t hate the environment; so, there’s one at least. FYI, I never come on this site but have insomnia and have looked at all the sports forums. Looks the same to me. I’ll visit again for a minute in 7-8 years God willing.
the problem is higher temperatures make rainforests more likely to burn and/or be viewed as productive farmland given everything around it is drying up. The Amazon used to a significant CO2 sink. Now it is a CO2 emitter as it burns.
I think if we're going to make any progress on climate change, people need to cool their jets (no pun intended) about the level of language being used. When it is portrayed as an unforgiving, all encompassing disaster, people will naturally be sceptical. Even if what they are saying ultimately proves correct, their goal of trying to rally others to their cause is undermined when they go on the attack. It's basic principles of cooperation. Being more environmentally friendly - and more aware of the things we do as humans which could benefit planet earth - shouldn't be any sort of battle ground. I can't fathom the idea that there's a large group of people that are in favour of destruction of the environment. So we need to take a look at why people are so against it and deal with those concerns. For me, it's about language. Over in the UK, we have Just Stop Oil. At the core, much of what they say makes plain sense - are we overdependent on fossil fuels? etc. Then they chuck paint over the Mona Lisa or glue themselves to the floor of a major motorway, blocking traffic (with normal people, going to work, going on holiday etc) for hours on end and even I - as someone who would listen to the experts - feel very aggrieved by their behaviour and less sympathetic to the cause. It's always about how we deal with one another.
Thanks. This is exactly the response to climate change biologists have been predicting. When the connected habitat exists, species are expected to move poleward. This will likely have complex effects, as these migrants will represent predators, prey, and/or competitors to the species native to these areas. Meanwhile, extinctions/extirpations are expected for species which don’t have a migration corridor, eg those in lakes, on islands, or on mountain peaks.
Me too... And there are even pictures from 100 years ago proving that global ocean levels are not going up... which means that it's more than likely that SOME shorelines are eroding faster than others, at different rates, that make some people think ocean levels are rising.
The language used on this very touchy subject, proportional to the lack of understanding that these so-called climate treaties appear to be worded against the U.S.A. From the Kyoto Treaty all the way to the latest iteration, the Paris Climate Accord... they are nothing more than the world telling the United States that we ALONE have to stop our use of oil immediately while every other CRIB (China, Russia, India, Brazil) nation and others continue with business as usual... as if those countries are on another planet. I've seen this from the beginning and even Clinton saw though the original Kyoto Treaty, and he never signed it because even he knew it was a nation killing (American killing) piece of paper rapped up as a treaty. It was an insult to even have to deal with such a blatant attempt to destroy our American economy with one stroke of the pen. Now... I am for cleaner air, land and water... with a rational BALANCED approach. But this insult of a treaty is beyond rational... and it is a STRAIGHT-UP INSULT to many Americans. So, like I said, I have been fighting against this BS in one way or another since the '90's... However, if we just stop deforestation, and attempt to restore the world's rainforests in a meaningful way, that would prove that other nations are serious about climate science. And I would agree with that as the starting point to fixing the true damage that can be reversed to begin the healing of our environment. One more thing... count how many times we need fossil fuel, of one kind or another, just to get a seed to... to food... the dinner table... cooked and ready to eat. Then, and only then, will people understand just how vital to our very existence, oil is right now. 10 time? 15 times? And battery powered farm equipment is not even on the drawing board... and the electrical infrastructure is nowhere enough to get just electric cars alone from point "A" to point "B," much less farm equipment to harvest the crops... Yes, with oil usage we eat and live... NO OIL... NO FOOD, AND WE DIE OF STARVATION. It's really just that simple.
Exactly, water levels aren’t rising ….. the waves are just bigger. The earth is naturally cycling through a period of higher winds and the surfers, windsurfers, hang gliders, and sailors are loving it!!