When it was announced a few weeks ago, they said it was a "non-football" injury. No indication of what the injury was, or how long he might be out.
The biggest thing I learned from that article is that any one of us could write for sports illustrated.
I see really mediocre journalism skills more and more often — and not limited to small local gigs either. The quality of our mainstream media in all facets is garbage
Remember when SI in the supermarket aisle was just the gold standard for sports news? Want to know who to blame? Us. People aren't willing to pay for things. Crap for free beats quality for fee.
Many articles seem to be written off of a social media post and the following responses as if it is news. See that in all news media now.
When they started picking winners and losers instead of just showing the best of each team in a positive light.
Or perhaps none of us, or anyone else for that matter. Sports Illustrated found publishing AI generated stories, photos and authors I can’t believe anyone even reads SI anymore, much less puts any stock in what they publish.