And science. Climate change could be wrong(I doubt it)but the way to refute it is with better science.
I'm not sure why so many people are still in denial when even Exxon's scientists were talking about a CO2 increase and its impact
GTDS (Greta Thunberg Derangement Syndrome) is real. Greta Thunberg derangement syndrome claims another victim
This debate about whether gasses exist at a certain percentage of the atmosphere etc is a suckers argument and part of the con. Of course they exist. The question is what is the cost and what do we get for the cost. You never get an answer other then, “but we have to do something….. we can’t wait another day….” Here’s another one. Long long time ago all the continents were one. They slowly shifted over time and if you wait long enough it’s a mathematical certainty they will all be one continent again. OMG. What should we do??? Let’s spend trillions and regulate toilets and ovens to make the North American continent move at 1/3 the annual shift.
There are Universities and scientist researching ( and some advocating for) sulfur dioxide to be sprayed into the atmosphere to help slow climate change. what could possibly go wrong? I mean, it’s scientist and researchers who thought introducing different carp to our rivers would be a great idea… turns out it’s an ecological disaster. But no way can spraying super dioxide into the atmosphere have unintended ( and expected) consequences. More money more money more money… no change.. more money.
Cool. Junior high debate club. Can’t attack the message attack the messenger hint. When you reach into your bag of folly and produce grammar corrections as a retort you might as well say “whatever you say bounces of me and sticks to you “. Then close with the hammer and say “my dad can beat up your dad “. Just exposes you as less the intellect you want to be and more the midwit appear to be
My take is, when the Earth becomes climatically uninhabitable, and the human race becomes extinct, the universe will be better off.
Changing to greener energy is a good idea. Mandatory changes and regulations forcing that change is not. We have spent trillions on folly. We haven’t made a dent in the climate issue. EVs sells are dropping because hey are not as good a what they do as gas cars ( hybrids seems to be a great transition technology but Toyota took he’s for introducing hybrids instead of pure EVs because it “may” slow down the change from fossil fuels to ev. And let’s be honest. EVs are not saving the world. Solar has come a long long ways in the last 2 decades. It’s still got issues as well (longevity vs cost is one) but it’s becoming a viable option.
This is not at all what we are discussing if you bothered to read my link you would see that if you back far enough 100,000s of thousands of years, the Earths slightly changing orbit around the sun causes a small increase in global temperature, then reversal over the course of 100,000 years or so, then repeats. The greenhouse gas cycle tends to magnify the effect. There is no comparing that with the last 150 years rapid increase in co2, which is clearly man made, and almost certainly the cause of recent warming.
this is a legit question. I would potentially agree with you, if -There were unlimited fossil fuel resources - worldwide energy demand was not increasing -We didn’t are about fossil fuel pollution - we weren’t concerned with energy independence - we were the only ones in the world making these investments Clearly all of the above are false. So our investments in renewable energy serve a purpose well beyond climate change. Plus if there were no benefits then why is China investing heavily in it? This is a bizarre argument.
Was in Helsinki & Copenhagen during the past couple weeks. Perhaps it's more prevalent in the cities, but they are WAY more eco-friendly than us. Bikes & scooters everywhere. Bike lanes all throughout the city and folks use them. The people in Copenhagen even line up on their bikes at the stop signs like autos. EVs and charging stations everywhere, including the gas stations. Solar and wind. Mass transit is great. We took a 30min train ride from Copenhagen to Malmö, Sweden. Then again, those countries are so prog, libby, socialist, marxist, commie.
Give up because it's difficult or expensive? Got it, a common answer from the right. Let future generations deal with the mess we are making. Thankfully, we have leaders with a little more vision than you possess.
Categorically false. Q2 2024 sales are up 23% over Q1, and as a percent of total sales increased from 7.1% to 8% (and is 7.2 to 8% yoy for Q2). Don’t conflate Tesla’s numbers for all EVs. Despite Tesla Slide, EV Sales in Q2 Mark New Record - Cox Automotive Inc.