If what she claims is the truth, then that is the definition of high treason. But... I think she might have been over the top on what she said... in public no less. You should just give up and let the commies take control. See how that work out for you.
Mark Robinson, candidate for Governor and current Lt. Governor, is the perfect Republican. He and his wife refused to pay taxes for years, yet fed off taxpayer money to fund their childcare business. He is avowed anti choice, but ...only after his wife had an abortion. He is a Holocaust denier and has lauded Hitler. He decries education, personal freedom and free expression. So ....a Republican. Crazy thing is, him and Morrow very likely win in November.
Military overturning elections and political executions sound very communist to me. So what does that say about her?
Lol. I love a lot of rednecks. Probably an unfair statement. But the big truck and rebel flag crowd with the FJB stickers all over their lifted F350's tend to like Robinson... Even if he is (whispers) African American
He is a terrible candidate. The liberals in this state painted normal conservatism as quacky and took the governors mansion based on the stupid Charlotte bathroom bill. For whatever reason the Republican guard here has gone full out crazy and the middle of the road folks want nothing to do with it. Stein is terrible too. Wr have a similar situation to the country. Two crappy candidates.
No, for Governor the NC Republicans have nominated a holocaust denier who “wants to go back to an America where women couldn’t vote”. Peach of a guy. The county where i live will go heavily in Robinson’s favor. Mark Robinson (American politician) - Wikipedia.
Thread: NC politician called for execution of Democrats Rick: Never Happened!! Link? thread: multiple links provided Rick: she ran for school board so this is totally OK
Just checking the integrity of our elections while they are taking place would be nice... I have no problem with honest elections, do you?
No but apparently Trump and his supporters have a problem accepting the results of a free and fair election unless Trump is victorious.
So far, Josh Stein is running an incredible stealth campaign. He literally has not said one thing of substance, and has just played clip after clip after clip of Robinson disparaging women, insulting Jews, speaking about conspiracies and phony faith. If Stein manages to win, it certainly will not be from his great platform of ideas. He is running the 2020 Joe Biden "I am not him, so vote for me" campaign. Also, if Robinson were white, he would win this election in a landslide. Republican or no, there may be just too many Klan-types in the vast rural area in our state who cannot vote for a black or a Jew and will just sit this one out.
Stealth campaign having its full impact. Mark Robinson talking himself out of the Governor's mansion with his own idiotic campaign adds.
Yeah, admitting that you and your wife had an abortion makes it hard to run on an anti-abortion platform. I'm sure his ad was just trying to get ahead of the issue, but going in full bore seems just weird.