Here are scientists in their own words telling you and me the truth about the Climate scam... We talked bout this subject several times, the best one was about 7 or 8 years ago when we debated this for months, it seemed like. We finally went to the Ice core samples in the Antarctic, and scientists found NO correlation between much higher levels of CO2 in the past and higher temperatures in the past. I thought this climate change nonsense was debunked back then... It was not, and this video will tell you why that is. The debates here were during the time when these climate alarmists all over the world were still calling it Global Warming... then changed it to Climate Change. I thought that was compelling enough to end this debate.
One more thing, back a few years ago when we were debating climate change, I did think that we could be effecting the weather patterns, maybe even the climate, through DEFORESTATION... I still believe that's true to this day. The Radicals Getting Your Tax Money The EPA awards $50 million to a group that says Palestine is a ‘climate justice issue.’
Durkin made his film in 2007. See any trend both and before and since then? 2023 was the warmest year in the modern temperature record And 2024 is even warmer.
I know Travis Taylor is more of an entertainer than a scientist but he does have a ton of degrees in science and engineering fields and worked for NASA before starting his TV series Rocket City Rednecks. Anyway I saw Travis in an interview once talking about when he was working on his PHD in optical science at the University of Alabama. Travis said a student in the class asked the professor about Global Warming and the professor answered I would tell you the truth but it would cost the University a ton of grant money if I did.
I suck at that too, but I can't write satire anywhere near as well as the OP. That's some grade A stuff.
I doubt many will watch a 80 min video from some guy on x. check out his other posts, he’s appears to be a fringe poster.
so you heard “travis” claim, that he heard a student ask a question, that a prof supposedly responded it’s that it’s a big conspiracy that he can’t talk about.
So you are saying CO2 is not a greenhouse gas and has no impact on climate? So what do you make of the content of this link, discussing Antarctic ice samples? Ice cores and climate change - British Antarctic Survey
I'm saying that trees and all living plants need CO2 to make the oxygen we humans NEED TO breathe, so yes, CO2 is NOT a poison at the levels we have. And ice-core sample from thousands of years ago proved out that higher levels of CO2 did NOT correspond to higher temperatures on Earth.
Spending trillions and regulating pretty much every industry, every action, every person and everything they do for the possibility of lowering an average temperature half a degree 30 Years from now is the definition of an emotional boondoggle. You get generations emotionally hyped ( setting the hook on the mark ) who then vote for you meanwhile simultaneously directing those trillions to other people that donate back to you or buy ‘required’ goods and services from people that do. It’s truly brilliant and makes the social security Ponzi scheme look a Nigerian prince scam. Best part of the con is you never have to produce a single metric of improvement. In both an ironic and hypocritical twist, the ‘worse’ ’it gets despite spending trillions and ever expanding regulations, the answer is always more trillions and more regulation. Gotta give them credit,…it may be a Bigly brilliant con, but it’s still a con.