You have to love his meltdown. Him and ET just throwing random inane stuff out. I think they're a couple of post away from claiming that Walz turned them into a newt.
Walz turned Minnesota into California: Would Walz Turn Minn. Into Sanctuary State? - YouTube Harris would have been better off picking Gavin Newsome, if he would have served as VP. Not only did Walz turn Minnesota into California, but he also issued driver licenses to illegal aliens. You can bet Illegals will use these driver licenses to register and vote in Minnesota elections. Yes, it is illegal, but who the hell in Minnesota is going to stop it. Walz is no Glenn Youngkin who is trying to enforce federal voting laws. Tim Walz signed laws catering to illegal migrants, giving them free health care, tuition ( “Sanctuary state” is an unofficial term that refers to states that limit or deny local law enforcement cooperation with federal immigration authorities. As governor, Walz also has signed several pieces of legislation to provide state-funded health care, driver’s licenses and free college tuition to illegal migrants. “Ensuring drivers in our state are licensed and carry insurance makes the roads safer for all Minnesotans,” Walz said in 2023 after signing the bill to allow thousands of illegal migrants in his state with driver’s licenses. In all polls, the majority of Americans do not support what Walz peddled in Minnesota and what he will continue to peddle as Harris' VP. It's no wonder why neither Walz nor Harris will submit themselves to review by media that is not compliant to the democratic party, the lamestream media.
"Selective or incomplete story / unfair persuasion / propaganda" Interactive Media Bias Chart | Ad Fontes Media Sounds reliable . . .
Walz ties to Communist China must be vetted: Tim Walz’s ties to Communist China demand attention - Washington Examiner Forget socialist, we can't be sure Walz isn't a communist plant bent on destroying the US Republic from inside. Shortly after finishing his undergraduate degree in his native Nebraska in 1989, Walz headed to China to teach in a high school in Guangdong Province north of Hong Kong. Asked later about his motivation for this, at a time when few Americans spent time in China, Walz explained, “China was coming, and that’s the reason that I went.” Upon his return home, Walz and his wife established a company called Educational Travel Adventures centered on taking American students to China. Together, the couple visited China every summer until 2003, including spending their honeymoon there, much as Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) strangely honeymooned in the Soviet Union. By his admission, Walz has visited the country about 30 times. He’s obviously a Sinophile, and he speaks some Mandarin, too. Walz’s admission in 1993 that his leading of student groups to China was funded by the regime. What did China think it was getting in exchange for this investment? What did Walz think Beijing expected in return? Put simply, the Chinese communists aren’t running a holiday charity for American tourists. For those communists, nothing comes without a quid pro quo. It’s certain that Walz was vetted by the Ministry of State Security, the regime’s powerful secret police, because that’s how China works. No American would be allowed to run academic exchanges for a couple of decades, on the CCP’s dime, without MSS approval. It just wouldn’t happen. While this doesn’t mean that Walz has a witting relationship with the MSS, what might it know about him after his 30 visits to the country? Three decades ago, a young American with an affection for China, who was also a part-time member of the U.S. military, would have been a tempting recruiting target for Chinese intelligence. Given that Beijing’s spies represent the greatest espionage threat to the United States today, this isn’t any merely academic query.
The only one who doesn’t have a clue is you who got all of their predictions wrong during the 2022 mid-terms and then disappeared off the board for over a year afterwards. Trump is behind in nearly all betting markets and most major polls now, and it hasn’t even been a month since Biden dropped out. Trump is 100% cooked. MAGA and his cult are the minority, not the majority.
Washington Examiner: "Skews Right: Wide variation in reliability" Interactive Media Bias Chart | Ad Fontes Media
You would figure after this brilliant prediction he would learn, but he is MAGA so we know that the ability to learn is at a minimum. Lol!
Kind of smacks of desperation that those prompting the feeble attempt to portray Walz as a tool of China had to go back over 30 years and to top matters off takes his statements out of context. For an actual example of a candidate who is the tool of a foreign government one only has to look at the statements from or about Trump regarding Putin and Russia within the last year. Putin bromance has US intelligence officials fearing second Trump term Trump says he's pleased by Putin's praise: 'I like that he said that' From Trump's own national security advisor John Bolton: If Trump is elected there will be celebrations in the Kremlin
He's just throwing more poopie at the wall hoping no one remembers his absurd original post regarding Eagleton.
personal attacks aside, everything i posted is accurate, far from bs. extremeists here do not want to know the truth or you know and either do not care or agree with the extremeist positions.
Speaking of extremism, your posts are extremist. Extremely stupid, extremely biased, extremely poorly informed. Yeah, there's your extremism. Criticizing your posts is not a personal attack.