Finished watching Night Agent on Netflix. I enjoyed and thought some of you might as well. Political/conspiracy/action tv show. Well paced. Decent acting. All FICTIONAL. Please don’t make it real or try to make connections to politics in the real world. Hollywood. is make believe.
I liked the Night Manager (Amazon) better - fantastic cast including Tom Hiddleston, Hugh Laurie). Bodyguard (Netflix) is another great series and has one of the most intense opening sequences of any series I’ve seen. But “The Bear” (Hulu) is my current favorite.
If people can tolerate subtitles, there are three series that I’ve recently watched and very much enjoyed. They’re not necessarily new series, just things I recently discovered. The Time in Between (Netflix, IMDB 8.3) - Spanish series in Spanish and English. Set in Spanish-controlled Morocco and in Spain and Portugal, during the time of the Spanish Civil War. Main character becomes involved in espionage. The series has a number of characters who were real historical figures. The Beauty Queen of Jerusalem (Netflix, IMDB 7.4) - Israeli series that follows a family from Ottoman Empire times through the British mandate. What’s interesting is that the family is Ladino, the Jews who were forced out of Spain into north Africa, and eventually ended up back in the Middle East. Dialogue is in Hebrew, English, some Arabic, and Ladino. Ladino is Spanish with Hebrew words in the same way that Yiddish is German with Hebrew words. I’ve never heard it in a television series before. Interesting the tension portrayed between Ladino Jews and Ashkenazi Jews, the latter coming from Central and Eastern Europe. Interestingly, the main characters in both these series are dressmakers. In Flanders Field (Masterpiece, IMDB 7.5) - Belgian series in Dutch, English, German, and French. Follows a Flemish family during World War I. Initially, some of the Flemish saw the Germans as liberators from the French speakers who heavy-handedly ruled Belgium. As the war goes on, they saw them as cruel overlords. All three series portray great insights into the different cultures.
Thank goodness conspiracies never happen in real life. We're far too evolved and noble a species to stoop to the level of lawbreaking in groups. Especially politicians. I watched this show the other day where a man and a woman took their clothes off and started doing weird things to each other. Talk about tin foil hat. Somebody would surely have talked by now if men and women ever did that kind of stuff with each other.
Have you tried HBO’s Somebody Somewhere? It’s a bit more of a drama and lacks Lasso’s zaniness, but it’s at least Lasso’s equal in terms of humanity. It’s great.
I am doubting you have seen Night Agent or you would understand why I posted what I did. I never said conspiracies never happen or aren’t real. I asked that this show not be used to construct imaginary connections to the real world politics going on today. Watch the show and I think you’ll understand.
I love subtitles. I watch shows in German trying to get a little better with the language because I am terrible at picking up foreign languages.
After a while, I forget that I’m watching subtitles. Sometimes I can follow the simple sentences or pick out words I know. The only drawback is I can’t cruise Gator Country on my phone while listening to the show.
I was in the mood for a feel-good something last night and this made me happy! On Netflix. Inside the Mind of a Dog (2024) ⭐ 7.7 | Documentary
Loved that show. My favorite show of the summer has been The Serpent Queen on STARZ. It get’s very political between the Catholics and Protestants. Choppin heads and drowning the other side.
Thanks for these recommendations. I saw and enjoyed the Beauty Queen of Jerusalem. Another plug for the limited series Seven Seconds on Netflix. So well done.