What does having a drivers license have to do with someone having insurance? Cars are insured not people. You can have a drivers license with no insurance. If you own a car you are suppose to insure the car.
And that has what to do with having a drivers license? Not sure what a UI fee is. No such thing in florida that has anything to do with auto insurance.
Uninsured. Some states charge a flat fee for this “coverage” and the plates have some sort of designation, in VA it is “UI” and $500. I understand your point that vehicles are insured, not drivers. But in practice very few people have a DL and just drive other people’s cars. It is obviously not in the insuree’s interest to make that a regular habit. But even that point given, getting a DL means taking the test, learning the laws, the etiquette, demonstrating competence. Better than some Wild Ass Somalian, which I guess we’re trying to suggest here, just giving it a go. Again, what is the downside?
BTW, while it is true that you insure the car and not the person, is it also not true that your credit score influences your rate? I know for a fact this is true. But also, a different gripe I have with the concept of insurance in general.
Not saying there is a down side. When they come in to get a license if they came here illegally they should send them back where they came from. It has not worked so well in Florida for even many that can get the drivers license. They just drive cars or trucks that are not insured. South Florida is terrible about having uninsured drivers. That has made the rates go higher and the higher cost has made more people go without. Kind of a snow ball effect. Even worse here in Florida the required insurance won't help you if they injure you. Looking at insurance requirements Minnesota has much better min. requirements than Florida does.
Tim Walz didn’t pick Minnesota’s new flag, and its designer said it wasn’t inspired by Somalia’s - Poynter
I legit have no idea what he’s trying to accomplish. I certainly hope nobody is paying him to do this.
At this point, the ish is so ish that like Q the dental secretary, chooba must merely be seeking attention.
Dude, you're trying to reason with someone who is becoming more unhinged with each passing day Kamala is upstaging Trump. He's not worth engaging, just enjoy his meltdowns.
This is the bit about politics that makes me sad. It's a state flag made of pretty colours. Surely the bigger issue is why anyone gets riled up over flags.