Trump Dangles New Tax Cut Proposals With Real Political Appeal He has callled for ending taxes on social security, which not only increases deficits, it also makes the social security fund run out faster because those taxes are used to fund social security benefits. Elsewhere he has proposed tip income be tax free. What a disaster.
Just wait until he sacks Ft Knox and puts solid gold cladding around Mar a puke o. And of course making his solid gold statue of himself, in the center of the complex, word is, it will be larger and taller than the colossus of Rhodes.
Whatever it takes to upend the apple cart, Im all for it. Cut taxes massively, cut prime rates by half or more and increase spending 2-3X current federal budget level.
So you are in favor of taxing Seniors that contributed to SS for their entire working lives? The govt gives you $ and asks for some of it back. That makes alot of damn sense...
I’ll take the tax cuts. My money in the first place. Not my problem the government won’t balance their books.
The discussion on not taxing tips is that the tip can be considered a gift. Gifts by one individual to another are not taxed until they exceed $18,000 in one year. Interesting thought, worthy of discussion.
No, not really. 1. It is income. Payment given for services rendered 2. Gifts are not really taxed. Gifts over the annual minimum of now $18k reduce the total estate tax exemption you have, which is now over $12 million or $24million for a couple. So unless you die with over $12/24 million exceeding the annual gift tax amount is a non event.
Do you guys have an independent office for economics etc, which looks at election/manifesto promises? We have one over here but it's been downplayed a lot previously - then Labour got in and found basically £20bn of unfunded promises / exchequer 'black hole' in the public purse, left behind by the Tories. I have many loathings about politicians, but my biggest peeve is promising stuff that doesn't stack up economically. Just wondering how you guys go about validating these promises?
We don't. We let them lie to us and then vote for them again anyway simply because of the letter next to their name. Then we go on message boards and complain that the person with the letter we don't like is actually the bigger liar.
Here's my thought. I convert all of my hourly employees to tipped employees so I can have my customers "gift" them their income, saving me boatloads on all associated taxes and insurance levied on my payroll.
GOP platform feels the same way. No plank about balancing the books or deficit reduction. Boomers racking up the bill leaving generations below with the tab.
You should see the proposal on that tip thing. It ain't for waiters and waitresses though he wants the rubes to think so. It's for like hedge fund managers.
I assume you are not in a service industry where tips are expected. Good luck getting employees that are going to rely on your customers to tip them if so. And good luck getting your customers trained to honorably tip enough to support your payroll.