My wife and I were waiting on our income tax refund for last year. She finally called the IRS and they said it was put on hold, but now that she called it will be processed. So they hadn't even processed it yet? I am glad she called. Anyone else have this problem?
So when they send me something asking where their payment is I will just tell them "I put a hold on it and I am processing it, you will get it is 6-10 weeks".
Unusual. Usually by early May they are fully caught up. They report weekly what is paid out until May and then update in October. As you can see they weren’t any further behind this year. Wonder if you had a typo on your SSN or something? Filing season statistics by year | Internal Revenue Service
Nope, I've never had the "problem" of the IRS needing to give me money back. Quite the opposite actually.... I'm always sending them money. (not intended to make light of your predicament, glad you're getting it sorted out!)
Sort of. I had a refund as well and it was put on hold due to identity verification. Which I've never had happen before.
The IRS owed me thousands of dollars about 10 years ago due to an overpayment from business taxes that I caught and amended. It took 3 years to get the money. Every time I called they said it was viewed as suspicious and was under review. They ended up paying me almost $700 in interest on top! Good for me, bad for the taxpayers who fund all these errors. ...but imagine how quick they would have sought resolution if I owed THEM that money.
Before I retired, the little company I ran was due $60,000 refund for 2021. The IRS sent a form asking me to verify who I was. I sent the form in. Eight months later the new guy running the company got the same form. He filled it out and sent it in. About six months after that, he got the same form again, filled it out and sent it in. He called and the IRS agent said to just go ahead and resubmit the tax return. Finally, a few months ago they got the refund, with interest. My son had the same issue trying to get his refund because of the solar tax credit. It took months, and multiple calls, but they finally paid it, also with interest. So at least they pay the same interest that they would charge you if you were late.
Agree or to be more exact they debit my bank account within two days of the date my tax return is filed electronically.
looking back it looks like they eft’d my refund a few days after i filed via TurboTax. It’s always very quick. If I had to guess OP either filed paper form via snail mail or had something unusual.