From seeing dates on the posting I assume this was likely a year ago or so. But with him just winning Gold… “Be in the present moment. Forget about what happened in the past. Future is something that is just going to happen.” That quote Rocks! And with that he stood against the authoritarians. Live in the present. Do not be forced to do things against your will. No matter where you are in life! Not sure why my videos are not embedding but hope this one does.
This was about 2 years ago , I think. Personally, I don't get why this is in too Hot, but It's just great advice for everyone. I love Novak not only because he is Da Goat of Tennis, but because he works harder than anyone and won't just conform to put just anything in his body. he sticks to his beliefs when most people would have folded. He could have won at least 2 more GS if not for certain things.
Knowing OP this post is either related to covid or transgenders. My guess is Novak probably did something vaccine related
I don't think he was really talking about Covid, but all Dominant athletes have the same mentality that they do not DWELL on past matches, Games, ETC.
I don't know the OP, but I like the message Novak gave. I saw it as the same advice coaches give to CB's and QB's, It's one INT or one TD pass caught to move on to the next play. He is saying don't have long memories. I guess it could be about Covid, but Novak always has pretty much evaded answering questions about that.
Since we are in Too Hot…the first response shows why Djokovic is bigger than tennis. He stood against the authoritarians. He was right. He would likely have at least two more majors to his name. But because he did not take a shot. He was not allowed to compete. And he had Covid. Twice. LOL! The GOAT.
The Joker is a whiney-ass B. Always has been. A great player that, to his credit, finally conquered the mental aspect of the game and went on to win a ton v a fading Nadal and an aged Federer. My guess is the OP cares little for Novak beyond what he thinks Novak represents
While you can create a straw man like this. It fails. Because Djokovic walked his life in the present. He did not worry about the past. And the future was going to happen. As it did for all those that stood against the authoritarians. You apparently are the one stuck in the past?
If it were up to me every thread would be about ‘Covid’ because crimes against humanity and historic mass-derangement.
Oh this was definitely about Covid. Djokovic lived in the present through Covid. Not allowing authoritarians to dictate what he must do. He sacrificed with humility opportunities that would have been valuable in his life. But as he said. “Future is something that is going to happen.”
Yeah, whiney AF. That's why Roger and Nadal stood apart and the joker was excluded. The former were all about class. Joker is a great tennis player and his dedication to fitness was impressive but he was and will always be an outsider for being a tool. Even Alcaraz is more widely appreciated and will most likely have a better overall record.