To the Trumpers out there, in times like these, when it seems like your world is falling apart beneath your feet, and nothing is going your way, I'd like to offer some uplifting news. A judge has ordered that the helmet and spear carried by MAGA warrior, and QAnon shaman, Jacob Chansley be returned. Perhaps just in time for the second "this election was also stolen" fit of rage that looks to be brewing. Don't say I never did anything for you. Judge orders DOJ to return QAnon shaman Jacob Chansley spear, helmet (
While it's too late for the Republican National Convention maybe Chansley can make an appearance at one of Trump's MAGA rallies in full regalia kind of like Hulk Hogan's performance at the RNC.
Yeah....he should be on Mount Rushmore or something..... From senile to now a imbecile Irrational Exuberance indeed......LMAO.... The thing is this coup MAY actually work..... Judge orders DOJ to return QAnon shaman Jacob Chansley spear, helmet ([/QUOTE]