Good news is that it may ease a few areas in Georgia and the Carolinas that are in drought conditions. May even help out DC if it continues on the trajectory.
I think the NW part of Georgia has minor drought conditions, SE has been good. Outside ATL, looks like they changed the forecast and now we aren't getting any rain at all. Could have used a bit, but we had plenty last month.
Power off and on in Jacksonville for the last couple of hours. Weather doesn't seem nearly bad enough for that.
I think a tree up our road fell over the line but they could not get to it until this morning. We live very remote, no paved road, street lights or high speed internet . Takes them a while to get to us sometimes
That was news to me. Seems like it has been so wet in Charlotte I had no idea the mountain areas were running so dry all the way down to Alanta area apparently.
Depending on which direction, development is rapidly coming your way. An incredible amount of new houses/apartments north and east of WC. Not that many new jobs, so I assume an influx of retirees and/or folks working from home.
No power here since about 3am this morning in the NE corner of Marion County just West of Micanopy. Running some things on the generator but no AC. Hoping we get power by tonight. No update on what or when Clay Electric will get it repaired. Plenty of water but my house is not in a flood prone area. I have seen flooding in this area many times before and so far not that bad in comparison. So far Roy's in Steinhatchee seems to have weathered the storm without serious flooding. Storm surge is what has flooded them in the past. Last year they had 6 feet inside the restaurant.
I grew up in northdale and had a good friend in Wesley Chapel. Anything north of Ehrlich was undeveloped, outside of the golf course. I went up there a few years ago and couldn’t believe the change. I’m sure the development line is well north or Wesley Chapel by now.