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Border query: What if refugees trended muslim?

Discussion in 'Too Hot for Swamp Gas' started by gatordavisl, Aug 4, 2024.

  1. gatordavisl

    gatordavisl VIP Member

    Apr 8, 2007
    northern MN
    Took a train today from Copenhagen to Malmö. Lots of diversity in both places. In 2015 Sweden took a disproportionate number of refugees from Syria, Iraq, and Afghanistan (compared with other Euro nations not named Germany). Apparently, violent crimes rose until they put a halt to the open immigration policies. Education suffered. Crime rates have dropped since 2020. The cultural "clash" appeared blatant in some ways in a city that is very clean and beautiful.

    I won't claim to be well-informed on this issue and am interested to learn from those who pay closer attention to international issues. Obviously they don't have the same kind of border issue we have in the U.S. There is, meanwhile, an ongoing border issue between Belarus and Poland - long story and too much to take on for this thread.

    To the point: 9/11 changed our nation forever and to my knowledge, the U.S. has never had such a terrorist threat from a Latino nation. I'm mostly interested about liberals' perceptions of immigration policy and whether they might feel differently (i.e. less accommodating/more concerned) if the people approaching the U.S. southern border were predominantly from Syria, Afghanistan, and Iraq. Welcome all other thoughts, esp. on the state of refuge-based immigration in Europe. This piece is three years old, but concisely addresses the issue from a source that leans moderate left with high factual integrity.

    Even Sweden Doesn’t Want Migrants Anymore
    Last edited: Aug 5, 2024
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  2. slayerxing

    slayerxing GC Hall of Fame

    Aug 14, 2007
    If Mexico was a Muslim nation the entire border would be militarized as much as feasible give its size. I’d bet money on that.
    • Agree Agree x 4
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  3. gatordavisl

    gatordavisl VIP Member

    Apr 8, 2007
    northern MN
    Topic not argumentative enough to draw responses. Let’s try: Biden has done a brilliant job keeping terrorists out. Trump licks the boots of our commie enemies and jihadists and hates Latin brown people. Prove me wrong! Oh, and what about if border crossers were mostly Muslim?
    • Funny Funny x 1
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  4. AndyGator

    AndyGator GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 10, 2007
    I would bet money on it too
    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. cluckugator

    cluckugator VIP Member

    Aug 16, 2007
    I think it is a great topic. I would be far more concerned if the vast majority of the immigrants coming in were from Afghanistan, Syria and Iraq. Perhaps that makes me slightly Islamophobic, but I’m 38 so I grew up with 9/11 hitting right when my political views were forming. I’ve also hired Marcus Luttrell (survivor in the Lone Survivor movie) as a motivational speaker for corporate events. He literally saw the worst of radical Islam (tortured by the Taliban) and the best of moderate Islam (he would be dead if Afghan villagers had not saved him). I’m not going to share his view as his twin brother is a Congressman, but there are huge differences culturally (that aren’t all due to religion) of individuals coming from that region of the world versus mostly central and South America.

    Another experience, I have mentioned here before, is being on the board of a further processing manufacturer of poultry in Alabama, which in English means they double friend food for Sonic chicken tenders and Panda Express before sending it away in bulk. We literally couldn’t keep the shop occupied without loosening I-9 / E-Verify policies. Americans simply won’t cut chicken in the same motion in a chicken plant that smells like chicken shit and chemicals for 8 hours a day for $9-13 dollars an hour.

    But personal antidotes aside, your article has more than enough stats to make me feel like I am not a bigot. 90% of public shooting in Sweden are committed by immigrants. 65% of public welfare goes towards the same group. 5% of government spending goes towards refugees. That is a failure in Sweden’s policy regardless of who the immigrants pray to and the reason we don’t have nearly that number of refugees (although we had a much bigger role in creating the need for people to flee the Middle East). We won’t even take the people from Afghanistan that helped us fight the Taliban, which I cold heartedly agree with.

    So I guess my thoughts are as follows: 1) Dems do need to create a stronger, more secure southern border.
    2) Trump, and a concerning number of Republicans, have intentionally kept the border unsecure to stir up fear and hate to get votes.
    3) Americans need more education on this topic and less partisanship and non-sense coming from Trump.
    4) Immigration has benefited our economy, but I’d be open to seeing data that suggests otherwise.
    5) Fentanyl is the problem on the southern border. It’s real and ISIS cruising into El Paso in mass is hypothetical. It’s a bigger problem than previous drug scares (crack in the 80’s) because it is so potent. Street corner pharmacists simply can’t cut in the correct amount because it is microscopic and that is leading to thousands and thousands of deaths and destroying communities. We need a two front war on fentanyl of keeping it out and educating our citizens of the dangers of buying any street drug b/c that shit is in everything these days. Don’t care if previous wars on drugs were a bust, you can’t not try.
    Last edited: Aug 5, 2024
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  6. gatordavisl

    gatordavisl VIP Member

    Apr 8, 2007
    northern MN
    Great post! and thanks for the meaningful response. This point resonates bigly. Lefties can sometimes get cultish against those with immigration woes. Righties mislabel asylum seekers as "illegals" etc. etc. etc. While many of the fears are unfounded, the issue in Sweden appears legit, which is why I started the thread. I'm admittedly ignorant on many of the issues, even though I live w/in 150 miles of the border . . . of Canada. :D