Im not sure if this is a serious question or not. A soft landing would suggest unemployment sticks around low 4% range while inflation continues to meet the feds 2% target. Again just my opinion but we are about to see the feds do what the Feds always do, chase the problem instead of being ahead of it. They are going to lower rates at an increased rate that they didn’t plan as UE goes up.
For an on paper recession yes, but if we descend into recession it will be apparent before the reports come out and if the stock market continues to tank, people tend to vote with their 401k.
Exactly. Tank. Crash. Sliding into recession doesn’t fulfill your narrative. I mean conservative media will try and make any dip sound like the Great Depression but you’ll need a crash to really change voting. Idk about everyone else buy my retirement accounts are killing it.
Bottom line is even chatter about a recession setting in is enough to make many voters think twice. Advantage President Trump.
Defining terms is required for real communication. Soft and hard are very subjective terms. Not sure if you are serious if you can't define the tern. 4% UE and 2% inflation is a soft landing..aren't we close to that now? How do you define a hard landing? Yes I'm seriously trying to understand your definitions
We are close, question is, will UE stick. History indicates we are going to continue to see UE go up. Well worst case would be stagflation. Hitting 6% UE to me would be a hard landing considering where we had UE at.
2022 wasn’t considered a recession because there was no job loss. I don’t make the rules I just report them. I am still having conversations with industry peers that say a broad range of industries contracted in July.
It would definitely change the overall feel of what we've become accustomed to as the job market for the past 3 years. Retail sales grew by an unexpectedly robust 1% last month, data showed Thursday. And Walmart reported solid earnings, lifting its stock. Meanwhile, weekly jobless claims came in slightly below consensus forecasts. Investors bid up stocks, and pushed down bond prices, as the new data points helped allay recent concerns about potential U.S. recession risk.
More good news for America, more bad news for maga. Love it. I have a target to cash in some more gains, almost there.