People who employ others and feel responsible for the lives of others are more likely to weigh in on the subject with a different pov. I’m so sorry that some of you who do not create jobs are struggling to understand. Nobody wants a goddamn recession.
I've mentioned it here before but I had a friend who swore he lost money in the stock market when Obama was president. I told him that was almost impossible unless his financial advisor was an idiot. Turns out he self managed but I still doubt he lost money (unless he bet against the economy which wouldn't surprise me at this point).
Recessions are an inevitable part of the system we live in. That being said Nobody should want a recession. But to bitch about how a recession is imminent because of dems for years and years gets a bit tiresome and sophomoric. we all have our roles to play in the economy. But your self righteousness and sanctimony is noted.
For the most part, when it comes to economics, I try to keep politics out of it. Why? Because economically speaking, on a global scale, most Republicans and Democrats are 95% on board with the overall plan, give or take. The small change in tax rates, regulation, etc are generally not enough to move the needle tremendously. Some would argue otherwise, but unless it's a steep tax increase or a crippling regulation, overall I think the American economy generally perseveres over time despite it. I think some of the calls for a recession last year and earlier this year were genuine, myself included. The fact is we had unprecedented stimulus that we had never seen before and it prolonged the peak of the economic cycle we've been enjoying since 2011. So it was difficult to predict onset of recession, but all of the indicators were there and have been for a while. From a purely political standpoint, this downturn coming now is probably about as good a timing as you could hope for if you're a Trump supporter. This should have happened in late 2022, frankly or sooner. But it was delayed by the stimulus.
Agree somewhat with your first part a lot of lol after that. The peak was not in 2011 things got better the entire Obama presidency and continued on a good track into trump. For any downturn to impact the election it would have to be rapid onset and huge. I guess that could happen but I doubt it.
Here is my take (likely to be unpopular with some). I have had the best earnings, savings and expenses the last 3 years than the previous 4 years. This, even with inflation and other issues like commodity prices beyond my control, plus living in an increasingly expensive city. The same is true for everyone in my family: some professionals, some self employed. Not wealthy, but living fairly well. For us, the Biden economics plan has been great. We all got burned bigtime in the 2008 -2010 recession, so have adapted our lives accordingly since then. Many of our friends have reverted back to the same types of fiscal habits that caused them such problems during the last recession and I do see their issues firsthand. But for folks to say categorically that the Biden economy is a disaster just does not resonate with many of us. Recessions come and go -- it's baked into any economy. Learning how to recession-proof one's financial life is a valuable thing.
You should probably work your math out on your own and come back and apologize. Maybe this will help you.. they dont collect how many were added… the collect how many there are.
I didn't type anything about the peak occurring in 2011. Peaks don't last 13 years. Come on. Reading comprehension. Do you really think I meant that? The economy has been in an expansion since 2011. I'm not going to count the Covid recession and the technical recession that occurred under Biden.
Just once post something of value. Anything. Anything to show you have any breadth of knowledge beyond “libbies bad”.
Scrolling through social media and watched 5 mins of Vance at the live Trump rally. I now see why MAGA is so obsessed with interest rates and fake economic data. Vance said, “Kamala, you can’t let 20 million immigrants in to compete for our jobs, limited housing AND THEN you go and raise interest rates” The whole rally went crazy as if the VP controls interest rates.