probably (I know your being sarcastic ). It is probably why the heritage foundation (and JD Vance) quoted by another rightie on here basically advocates for incentivized and forced reproduction of American citizens.
Been through this 100 times with you. There are not 770k fewer jobs than estimated. If I guessed you were six feet tall every month and you are only 5’10” you aren’t two feet shorter (2 inches times 12 months) than I thought. You are 2 inches shorter than I thought. You can’t add them up you math geniuses you have to average them.
You are just so dense it’s actually impressive. If Jan says the labor force added 200k jobs and then when Feb comes out, there is a -50k revision for Jan, what does that mean?
Ya Trump had so much control over blue states wanting to stay in endless lockdowns. Biden took over an economy well into a v shape recovery. He will end his presidency likely in or heading into a recession. Winning
Sure, it was on a an ok recovery. I think Obama could have done better if democrats didn’t have so much regulation but we were obviously on the recovery from the worst recession since the Great Depression. Want to know more?
Since we are just going to ignore reality, Trump has the record for most jobs added in a single month, ever.
Umm that’s literally the point of these reports, to see what is happening to the US economy and labor force. Good god has all sense of reasoning left these forums?
Cool. The Gators scoring the most points ever in the first quarter doesn't matter if they ultimately lose the game. Trump left the presidency with net negative job numbers. That's reality. CNN's Facts First searchable database - CNN
Trump was as responsible for the jobs lost as much as Biden was responsible for jobs we got back that was forced out. Having this discussion is pointless if someone wants to connect the job market to the worst pandemic since 1918 (though I’d argue we overreacted for too long) and try to pin of the losses or gains for either president. Knowing your track record in these discussions, it’s pointless.
Both Biden and Trump do. Both tried to spend our way out of the mess. Feds share a lot of blame too. Feds kept rates low by spending 44 billion a month buying treasuries and MBS. They added fuel to the fire that Trump and Biden started.
Fair enough. If you're being consistent, I'm fine with it. It's the folks who hype up Trump's economy, blame the pandemic for his poor finish, and then put inflation on Biden who I have an issue with. How good or bad the economy is during a president's time in office is pretty random.
I have said that before Trump even left office and that’s my biggest concern if he wins again. Since I believe we will be in a recession of some sort and if he wins, is he going to spend again… Curious, when do you think both sides realize we can’t keep up this rate of spending and start having a balanced budget?
From 2017 through 2019 Trump had 8 different months with lower job growth than the one just reported.
Do you think this is sustainable? We have added almost 50% of our debt since Jan 2020. Currently 892 billion in interest payments.