and you blame Biden for the fed waiting too long? seriously. you know what caused this, you know he isn't in control of it, and you start a thread blaming him
What caused the Fed to go on a hiking spree is excessive spending by your ill advised President. Even liberal Larry Summers warned against it.
who passed the bill for him to sign? who controlled the house and approved it? who passed even more when they were in office? you know it wasn't the spending bill, it was holding onto the rate drop too long. September should be the second cut, not the first, just my view from the cheap seats. potus doesn't control the fed, thankfully
Your leader to has been propping up the economy with mostly government and healthcare jobs the entire time, so tell me what you know.
Or perhaps it was the fact that worldwide inflation was at 9% when the Fed started raising rates due to the re-opening of the world from the worldwide pandemic. Did Biden cause the inflation in the Euro-Zone, Asia and insane inflation in developing countries? Also, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine created inflation in energy markets. So if you want to blame Biden, you can just say Trump would have helped give Ukraine to Russia and that conflict wouldn’t be ongoing.
Unemployment is generally a lagging indicator when it comes to recession. Not the leading. If this is the case, then the current employment report is more likely an indication we've stuck the soft landing. It's also an indicator for the FED to cut rates in Sept, as expected. And still waiting on how Trump would lead us to prosperity when his platform, if enacted, is hyper-inflationary. Tariffs are sales taxes passed along to consumers, reducing the value of the dollar will make foreign goods even more expensive. and deporting 8 million people in our workforce will create massive labor shortages, even worse than we endured during the pandemic, which was the major driver of inflation all over the globe.
Disagree on rates, there isn't much room to cut. The US is close to equilibrium. Treasury Yields since the first of the year can be found here: Resource Center | U.S. Department of the Treasury Not much change since January 1 and the yield curve is inverted. This doesn't signal a lot of room for cuts or rates going down. If anything, there is room for short term yields to come down more so than long term yields. Bottom line, rates have been in neutral and are doing the job at this level while reducing inflation and not producing too high of unemployment. It'll be borderline to have a soft landing or a soft recession. The Fed has been doing a great job saving the government's ass after all of the fiscal overspending.
Fudged numbers. Sen. Rick Scott Slams Biden’s Lies About Bad Jobs Report
You jokers crack me up. You have been calling for a recession for over 3 1/2 years and you’ve been wrong for 3 1/2 years. But now you’re are filling this thread with joyful predictions of economic doom. They are just plain weird.
At first blush, one-half of 1% seems like a mere rounding error. But in an economy exceeding 150 million jobs, that’s a significant difference. Job growth was overestimated by more than 770,000 last year. Put differently, about 1 in 4 jobs that were supposedly added last year never existed. That’s like eliminating all of the jobs gained in three whole months of 2023. Overly optimistic employment estimates help explain why polling of people’s perceptions of the economy has been so terrible yet the official data from the Biden administration has looked so robust, at least in terms of the number of jobs. Much of the other data has been downright rotten. More: The Job Market Looks Good Only if You Ignore What’s Really Going On The Biden administration has turned the U.S. labor market into a temporary employment agency for foreigners, leaving American workers behind. Over the last year, employment rose 637,000 for foreign-born workers but fell 299,000 for native-born Americans. They are losing their full-time jobs, and leaving the labor force, while the number of foreign-born workers in low-wage, part-time gigs skyrockets. Doh! Biden and Kacala!!! Great for [NOT] Americans!!!
The link is from June, so he's talking about May 2023 to May 2024. We added a total of 2,643,000 jobs in that year. So the question is, if foreign-born workers gained 637,000 jobs and native-born workers lost 299,000 jobs, who got the other 2,305,000 jobs that were created between May 2023 and May 2024?
How did you come up with an 8.5% loan rate as equilibrium (whatever that means)? When is the last time you've taken a construction development through commercial underwriting with current costs?