Much more pronounced than it was in 2016 when men heavily favored Trump, and women Hillary. Something tells me this is bad news for Kamala, as it is unlikely she will win over male voters. Not that Trump is going to win over female voters, but based on the current polling, he doesn't need to. Men obviously view Kamala worse than we did Hillary in 2016. Not surprising, but also somewhat startling the gap has grown this large. Ultimately, I think this is what sank Hillary in 2016. The gender gap widens in the Harris-Trump contest: From the Politics Desk
The gender gap is definitely real, but it's interesting to see such a huge range in the polls. From the article: **** Take the recent New York Times/Siena College poll. Harris holds a 14-point lead over Trump among likely female voters (55% to 41%), while Trump holds a 17-point lead among men (56% to 39%). That’s a net 31-point gender gap. It’s even bigger in the latest Quinnipiac University poll, where women are breaking for Harris by 16 points (56% to 40%) and men are siding with Trump by 23 points (60% to 37%). (Note: The Quinnipiac poll was conducted before and after Biden exited the 2024 race.) That’s a whopping 39-point gender gap. Compare that to the race between Trump and Hillary Clinton in 2016, when the NBC News exit poll found the net gender gap at 24 points. In the exit poll after the 2020 Biden-Trump contest, that figure stood at 23 points. Now, other recent surveys show a smaller gender gap. CNN’s national poll had it at 16 points between Harris and Trump, and one from NPR/PBS/Marist was a mere 4 points.
Hillary had ZERO energy and excitement behind her, this doesn’t feel like that to me. Going from Obama to Hillary was like going from Spurrier to Zook. This feels like going from Zook to Meyer, and your team still has Bobby Bowden at the helm.
His lead with men being larger than her lead with women is what stands out to me. She is more repulsive to men than Hillary Clinton. That's not going to go well for her.
I don’t know about Harris and male voters …. isn’t there some tremendous upswell of support for Harris from men? I was just reading about this “White Dudes for Harris” organization. Democrats Continue Long-Standing Tradition Of Large Whites-Only Gatherings "We're Democrats. It's what we do," said angry white man David Hogg. "We'd be remiss if we didn't seek to carry on the age-old Democratic Party tradition of having meetings that were only for white males. It's literally the foundation that this party was built upon, so it's our duty as modern-day Democrats to maintain the values that everyone has come to associate with us — virulent divisiveness that separates everyone into different warring groups. We love it." Other participants in the "White Dudes for Harris" call echoed Hogg's sentiments. "What kind of Democrats would we be if we didn't have white-guys-only meetings?" asked actor Mark Hamill. "Dividing the country into different groups based on skin color has been the hallmark of the Democratic Party since its inception. We're proud to carry on the tradition of other whites-only Democrat groups." At publishing time, the "White Dudes for Harris" group announced plans to issue new uniforms to its members, featuring easily identifiable white robes, masks, and pointy hats.“
If the gender gap is widening it's much more attributable to Trump and Vance alienating women than it is to male voters becoming more attracted to Trump.