Trump's golf swing is based on Ben Hogan's book, "Five Lessons: The Modern Fundamentals of Golf." Trump believes the faster he clears his hips the straighter he will hit the ball Trump"s granddaughter Kai is reportedly a scratch golfer with LPGA aspirations. DeChanbeau described her swing as "Pure."
Yeah, the first thing I thought when watching this video (before seeing this thread) was "Biden would never cut a video like this."
Considering that Trump spends more time on the golf course that any president or presidential candidate in history it shouldn't be that surprising that he is a skilled golfer and despite his skill he still has a history of cheating. A look at Trump's long history of cheating at golf Fact check: Trump has spent far more time than Obama at golf clubs than Obama had the same point
I’m glad to see Trump focused on the important things like golf while his opponent is actively out there campaigning as we speak. Nothing new for the president who golfed more than anyone in history by far. This guy has zero work ethic and this is who you want as president, lol. Your tax dollars at work.
Hitting a mulligan in a friendly round or moving the ball from a muddy lie or moving a ball next to a root is okay if you don't turn the score in.
Democrats with TDS might say yes. Did Trump cheat to win any.of his 20 plus club championships? Very doubtful imo. Biden might be a different story
He has claimed to win championships when he was in a different state/country from the tournament location when it was played. All his claimed championships where at properties he own. He has never come in the top half of any tournament otherwise. What evidence would you accept that he cheats? Caddies? Other players? Professional players? Tournament organizers? His own words? Video evidence? We know he lies. He rapes. He demeans. He defrauds. He incites insurrections. Why is so hard to believe he cheats at golf?
One of Trump's stunts was being the first person to play a round of golf when he opened a new club allowing to him the claim the club championship. I suspect that stunt allowed him to claim several of the club championships.
Where golf cheating would have been caught on camera: Donald Trump competed in the American Century Championship in 2006. Finishing 62nd out of 80 celebrities. Behind golf legends Ray Romano, Dan Patrick, Dan Quayle, Mike Shanahan, among many others. Lots of dudes nowhere near 2.5 handicap finished well ahead of Trump. He did notably manage to beat Cheech and Charles Barkley. American Century Championship – 2006 Results
Trump plays golf fast and operates on 3-4 ,hours of sleep a night. Kamala under prepares and berates her staff when she gets exposed during public appearances. Which.might explain why 72 of 76 staffers left her in 3 years. Kamala was bribed by a diocese to protect pedos and bribed to help coverup Lennar's theft of $1 billion from a public employees pension fund. She slept her way to the top and she's dumb. She suppressed evidence that would have freed an innocent man on Death Row. I guess you're fine with all of this because she has a D by her name
If you think that video of Trump putting made him.look bad I cn only conclude that math wasn't your best subject you don't play much or any golf and you were never a good skill position athlete.
1) this was the year and tournament where Trump allegedly 'partied" with Stormy Daniel's for 4 days 2)trump was 60 in 2006 and his handicap had risen from his best years. 3) A large percentage of the "celebrities" who.l finished ahead of Trump were current or former NFL quarterbacks and other highly skilled athletes half Trump's age. Baseball pitchers and field goal kickers also do well in ccelebrity tournaments. Many have plus handicaps. I think Tony Romo.won this tournament last year. He's better than a plus 3. 4) Mike Shanahan isn't a bad player. Dan Quayle has played to a 3 handicap at times