This is going to drive more sanctions which will increase cost of oil and increase immigration out of Venezuela. They closed the counting rooms and stopped polling stations from doing any counting but he wins with 51% + of the vote..
This kind of thing will be attempted on multiple fronts if Trump doesn't win by vote count. Buckle up for what's coming.
I’m surprised he only won with “51%”. It’s clearly a dictator staying in power at all costs. I’m just glad they don’t have the power in OPEC they previously did. I think this will be a continued cause of immigrants coming across our southern border (don’t blame them). I also don’t think either Dems or Reps could have prevented this without direct military conflict.
Yeah. Kind of feels like a test run for the BS that the Republi-ban is about to attempt in the United States.
Among the characteristics that Trump and Maduro have in common is that neither is willing to accept the outcome of a fair election if the final result is not in their personal interest. What scares me is what Republican majorities in swing state legislatures may do to block the results of the 2024 election if Trump loses in those states among them are WI, PA, NC, GA, AZ and NH.
I could say the same for the Dems, especially in the Midwest like Minn, Michigan and Wisconsin. The shoe sometimes is on the other foot, especially if its a close election like 2000.
Hard to rise up when Maduro controls the military and paramilitary groups that have been more than willing to use violence in the past.
I know some very fine Venezuelan people, it's an OUTRAGE what has happened under "MUD". Terrible, people going hungy, crossing borders for relief. It's a shame. I doubt MUD will be removed, unless his military bribes are not big enough and they turn on him. Hate it for the people of that country.
Sounds great …until the people are on the wrong end of tanks and guns and warships, all controlled by the Venezuelan generals who are paid in massive amounts of drug currency to support Maduro. Unless the people turn the generals against the one who funnels their money, nothing is going to change in Venezuela.
I’ll say this. Venezuela’s loss of incredible brainpower has been our gain. I’m friends with many Venezuelans down here in Weston. They’re “good people”, and I’m glad they’re here.
We are speaking the same language, but isn’t violence a drastic understatement? This is truly the worst form of governance (or whatever you want to call it).
Generally, that's the case when you have a revolution. Thing is, when there's popular support for it, we oftentimes see huge swaths of the military defect to the other side.