Post Civil War perhaps? I agree. It's so entrenched it would take someone literally taking a sledgehammer to the entire system. BUT, that IS the problem here. Pay to Play means nobody - except those who can afford to pay - is happy. That said, there is something that could be done, but the institution who could do it are rife cowards and sellouts: Media. In lieu of eliminating it, just report on it. Not "how much Candidate A raised this month" but who did it come from, what do they do and will there be a quid pro quo involved. Look at it this way, if you know the candidates Top 10 doners historically and in the current cycle and analyze that with respect to how they vote on issues that affect those doners, you know 90% of who that candidate is. And yet that's never reported because the "reporters"/PR Agents are "too scared to lose their access". Tell me, what good is said access if it comes with these kinds of conditions? Answer: WORTHLESS!!!! They're just gutless PR hacks at this point.
That's fine, let's dicuss the merits of the topic of the thread and it possible viability rather than taking it in the usual partisan sidetrack
The media and internet are running interference. Things I used to get on YouTube based on past viewing has been replaced by democratic supporter garbage. Conservative things are just being made difficult to find or are being deleted. Parent company Google has YouTube TV in my crosshairs for replacement. I don't want my money going to Google. The lamestream media is purging Harris' liberal record as fast as the can purge and are replacing with lies and distortions. Unfortunately for them, the records have already been saved for use by Trump as his campaign anticipated Biden not being able to complete his run. This proposal is nothing more than democrats trying to control the narrative. Don't look at the truth of what Biden/Harris are, look at what we say, a slight of hand. They know it is DOA the moment they presented the proposal. It just goes to show how they view their voting sheeple as stupid and hope the American people will be stupid too.
I think the proposal is just another iteration of "Trump took away your abortion rights and we can't put him in jail now." The butthurt from Dems about the SCOTUS never gets old. The thing is, for how many voters is abortion a top issue? It's not. So let them keep beating the abortion drum.. it won't win Kamala the WH.
Thanks. Didn't remember the movie title. In my defense, that movie came out when I was young and I was never much of a fan of the dystopian/futuristic genre. Not sure if that proves your assertion that my mind/memory is "intact" or not. Want to go head for head on memory - name all original colonies? name all US capitols? name the members of Stones, The Who, The Doors, U2, Guns N Roses? name the starting lineup for 1996 UF Gators? Recite an Episcopal mass? Yeah, I'm 50+. I can confidently say that I know more trivia than our children as long as it doesn't involve pop music over the last two decades. I've also blocked any "memory" I had about breakdancing. I also respect my parents' generation and what they see as important and worth remembering. Funny how that works
You're getting that because you like it and clearly watch it. Sort of like all those Democrats who kept Rush Limbaugh at the top of the ratings. Face it, you're an outrage angler who's addicted to self-righteous outrage. Just go with it man!
Except he didn't. In fact, we may be able to credit him for removing that tiresome issue from the national debate. And if trends continue, it will be locked into the vast majority of states via constitutional amendment. Florida is going down this fall. In the end, the Pro Lifers will have Alabama and Mississippi and the national 501c's will be gutted.
Try this test: type "assassination attempt tr". into your Google search. Let us know all you learn about former President Truman. Then explain how social media isn't intentionally directing the political conversation.
Biden was overheard mumbling: "Of yeah! If i gotta go, ya'll should have to go too! Starting with you Warren Burger!"
I was just kidding on old, it was an easy set up. BUT… I will brag that my 4th grade teacher made me memorize all the presidents in order which, when recited drunk, really landed the girls in college. I am a beast at trivial pursuit.
term limits greatly strengthen the executive branch as there isn't senior leadership to push back against a DeSantis type. the way the Fl legislature rolled over for Desi is a perfect example of how term limits crippled the legislative branch and allowed an aggressive executive branch to run roughshod over the minority.
Here's what I got (and I use DDG like anyone with a brain). Wow, that was soooo hard!!! assassination attempt trump wiki at DuckDuckGo
can they be retired to an emeritus or comparable status, advise but not participate, if they choose to not retire?
Got it. My 4th grade teacher also made us memorize all presidents. In typical smart aleck fashion, I told her "yeah, it was easy for you because there were a lot fewer of them."
This is actually pretty genius. Gets around any issues with constitutionality, and it's a good solution to some of the problems we're encountering. I'd go further, but it's a good proposal.