Clips? You mean the clips that have been altered to make her look bad. About two days ago, I provided a fact check of a rightwing Harris video clip that concluded that her quote had been taken out of context. Altered videos are the norm on right-wing media.
I would expect the US to follow international law, which states children should remain with their family if at all possible. I would also remind people that if these immigrants requested an asylum hearing upon entering and/or surrendering to an ICE Agent, that is a legal way to enter the country.
Fake is fake. The fact that Biden was showing his age doesn't excuse dishonest right-wingers who edited videos to remove what he was looking at and then LYING, saying he was looking at nothing. Despicable.
I’m curious if you thought the left was witch hunting Trump when he bankrupted multiple companies, defrauded consumers in MULTIPLE companies, cheated vendors and creditors, and cheated CHARITIES— all before he ran for office?
This is a lot easier to type from a position of privilege which pretty much every person on this board enjoys.
OMG the old position of privilege. My only privilege was being born here. Now since you feel so much guilt from your position of privilege you can always sponsor and help bring in as many underprivileged people from across the world as you chose. You could adopt dozens of kids from all corners of the globe. Sadly what I typically see is people lecturing us on how privileged we are yet doing squat to actually help those poor souls. They sit and tell the rest of us what the US should be doing without doing one damn thing themselves (save typing on a keyboard). To me it’s a bunch of virtue signaling from a fake position of superiority and doesn’t amount to squat.
By that standard, aren't you responsible if a drunk driver hits your car and kills your children? You chose to drive and put them at risk for that situation! No, the person who loses their children because Trump's people couldn't figure out how to keep records or keep track of people before implementing bad policy are not responsible for that. Trump's people are. And yes, he did "willy nilly" separate minors. This policy was not about being unsure of the parents' or kids' identity. It was about punishing immigrants. Stop trying to equate it with other policies because the person you voted for intentionally separated children from their parents with no means of returning them.
Many did come into this country legally (since it is legal to enter and ask for asylum). It still happened to them.
Immigration: Did the Obama administration separate families? ( Department of Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen said at a June 18 press briefing: “The Obama administration, the Bush administration all separated families. … They did — their rate was less than ours, but they absolutely did do this. This is not new.” Your boy made the list
Former astronaut Sen. Mark Kelly started spy balloon company funded by China ( Before becoming a senator, Mark Kelly, D-Ariz., was not only an astronaut, but he also co-founded a company that specializes in spy balloons, which was funded, in part, by a venture capitalist in China with close ties to the Chinese Communist Party. Kelly, who is reportedly on a short list of running mate contenders under consideration by Vice President Kamala Harris, co-founded Tucson, Arizona-based World View in 2012 with a vision to provide space tourism using stratospheric balloons.