AND? AT least he was telling the TRUTH, but the rest of the things he was accused of, were pure persecution.
You didn't answer the question. You've learned well from Trump. Evasion being one of his divine attributes.
You want an answer, it's sad that they do get separated, but if they had come into this country LEGALLY that wouldn't happen, so only their parents are responsible.
Less than 1% of all abortions occur after 21 weeks. A fact. Of those in the 1% the vast majority are to save the life of the mother. Don't buy in to unverified sound bites from wanna-be Christian politicians. Also check into Trump's backing off of abortion as a Federal issue anyway.
Oh, the parents are responsible for Trump taking their children away forever. This conversation is a waste of time. Over and out.
Repeating: How many of the Ten Commandments has Trump broken? Do you need a link to them? No one with a room temperature IQ believes abortions are being performed/babies are being killed after birth. You bought into that bullshit hook, line and sinker. IT'S A LIE.
I know. And it's not that I'm allergic to cats. My only allergy that I know of is to Donald Trump and his supporters. It doesn't make me sneeze, it makes me throw up.
He isn't accused of falsifying business records in order to cover up his affair with a porn star. He has been found guilty by a jury. If you have evidence that he didn't do that, you should provide it.
Princess, I know you feel passionately about all this. But please calm down and read a few more things rather than just believe what someone said. I mean, do you really think hospitals are murdering newborns? Please.
If I as a parent decide to bring my children to a country illegally don’t I bear the responsibility of that choice?
Bringing your family here seeking a better life, illegally or not, what kind of asshole would take your children away from you, never to see them again?
Of course not! Don't believe Trump's LIES about migrants being violent. Statistics show that migrants are LESS prone to violence. "Some Murdering of children happen AFTER the mother gives birth?" Another horrible Trump LIE. A 5--minute Google search will prove this is made up BS. Trump keeps feeding his followers LIES to keep them angry, hateful and motivated through the next election.
That’s not the point. You can find any number of reasons why someone might want to leave one country to go to another. Some more heinous than others. Question is if I make that choice as a parent I’m responsible for what happens. And regardless the majority aren’t coming here for the reason you listed. Kids get killed by gangs in the US just about every day. Mind you Trump didn’t sit there and separate families willy nilly these were minors who it wasn’t clear if they were actually the kids of the people they were with and for the record the people going into “cages” didn’t start on Trump’s watch.
So, you believe that all the judges, witnesses and grand juries in several, different federal, state and local jurisdictions are dishonest liars out to get Trump. And the only person not lying is Donald J. Trump, the biggest LIAR this nation has ever seen. Really?????