There is no rule or law being broken. This is no different than replacing a candidate who gets shot in Pennsylvania and dies which almost happened last week. You cannot complain your opponent is too old too to run for another term which is what Fox news and trump have been saying for months and then cry fowl when that person decides he may be too old to serve 4 more years and ends his campaign. I challenge Trump to be honest about his own decline into dementia and drop out so the totally unqualified J D Wentworth can take his place.
If you want equality for "all" then you would want Presidential candidates to not be allowed to falsify business records, just like the rest of us, right?
Agreed. So if a person were to choose to start falsifying business records, I want them to have access to the same system that Donald Trump experienced. Access to due process. A grand jury. A jury trial. A defense attorney. And that leads to a verdict. The verdict may be the same or it may be different, but equality would say that they received the same treatment. CNN — It is not unprecedented for an incumbent president to abandon his reelection campaign. But it is rare, and no president until President Joe Biden has been pressured out of a reelection campaign out of concerns about his mental fitness. Easter bunny protecting Biden 2 years ago. None of this is new. He was pressured out because he was losing
Since the linked article stated zero about the political association of any of the cops or the protesters, then either the poster is clueless or posted in error. Perhaps an incorrect link?
ATL, I fully agree with you about the filibuster. The loss of a norm is a real shame. Of course, this isn’t a one sided thing, as the Republicans are just as likely to kill a tradition (e.g. McConnell not even allowing Garland a vote). That said, I see no such problem with the Democratic nomination process. What if Biden was convicted of a crime? Or was videotaped saying he wanted to destroy America? Or died? Should the Democratic Party be beholden to running him in all these cases, just because these things didn’t happen until after the state primaries? Of course not.
he mentioned he was concerned about police getting the Shi- beat of them so I assumed he was referencing the 400+ in NYC Dozens more US Capitol Police officers were injured on January 6 than previously known, report says Nearly 400 NYPD Cops Hurt During NYC's Two Weeks of Protest Over George Floyd's Death
You left out the real reason he is being pressured. Because he was losing. That’s the precedent. Not because he committed a crime etc etc. your post was articulate so I’m going to assume you can see that’s a clear difference. Would not be shocked to see Biden try to stack court now. In for penny in for pound
Thanks for the article, ATL. Very interesting. As for the issues, Im not sure why the pressure matters. Your article shows that this is the third time a candidate stepped down under pressure. Indeed, the first two were pressured to step down because of bad primary performances, but a questionable mental fitness hardly seems like a worse reason. And if his mental fitness really has declined so much, we shouldn’t really put so much stock into his own desires anyway. No In addition, we could also look at this from the other side: Trump is only running because of the support and donations he’s receiving from the Republican Party. These same people are playing a role in both parties. If I am picked to lead an organization, I am probably going to decline once I learn that the actual people of the organization are quite against my taking the job.
Your gaslighting is basically no different than lying. So please stop lying. I'll help you by clearing some things up : 1) The violence in NYC was not motivated by the lies or criminal conspiracy of a politician. The violence at the Capitol was. 2) Almost every Democrat is for legal consequences for alleged rioting criminals. The Republican party has adopted a party line that J6 attackers are the victims themselves, and legal consequences are oppressive. Do you see those differences? Do you see who supports criminal behavior? If not, re-read until you do, because the differences are stark. That way you can stop gaslighting and lying with your laughable false comparison.
That’s the point. None of those things happened. If you are likening his dementia to a video surfacing of him openly vowing to destroy America, that’s a lie. Because people have been talking about his obvious dementia for a long time. It wasn’t a secret that was only recently discovered. Stop the lying and all the mental gymnastics. Your scenarios are no where near analogous to this situation. They literally told Joe that he couldn’t win. Not that he wasn’t capable of performing the duties. They booted Biden because they thought he was going to lose. We don’t have to guess about it. Those were the reasons that were reported by dozens and dozens of sources.