I remember all the dems celebrating when Harry Reid blew up the filibuster a decade ago,,,,,a decision to break that precedent is something even they admit they regret. A decade later…..Lesson not learned, so here we go again. When your candidate is behind the new rules are just swap them out. Why not, have nothing to lose. Same regret in the future or future be damned. It’s all about right now.
Why would we regret parties replacing nominees that people don't want prior to their nomination? BTW, this is hardly new. It happened a number of times in the past.
It's the same socialist/communist/totalitarian playbook they always use. They never worry about rules or laws.
What rule or law is being broken? That statement might mean more if you weren't trying to excuse a candidate who was just convicted of breaking the law 34 times.
Lawfare against a presidential candidate is now legal? That pendulum swings both ways. Changing laws like statute of limitations to "get" Trump is just business as usual for your overlords too.
Shills for a guy who enacted a criminal conspiracy to overturn an election, and the "political party" that parrots his lies.... .....but talks about "rules." Too funny. Hey, OP, do you have anything to say about "rules" wrt referring to people who beat the **** out of hundreds of police as...."hostages"?
What crime was committed? You know crimes .... those inconveniences that land you with a fine or in a courtroom or jail. So please state the crime.
Seeking out legal indictments via a grand jury, followed by the implementation of a court case, and, ultimately, a jury verdict, is a legal method by which the legal system is conducted. I'm guessing that you aren't familiar with CPL§30.10 in New York State, are you?
DemAnon is back try to keep up….. And resist the urge to scream fascist compulsively. I was narrowing my question to debating breaking precedent similar to filibuster and not turn this a nit-whit buffet of babbling …. but alas DemAnon gotta DemAnon As far as your question about dems beating police…..not sure I can answer for you Nearly 400 NYPD Cops Hurt During NYC's Two Weeks of Protest Over George Floyd's Death
Sad - Trying to compare post-BLM march riots to the attack on our government organized and enjoyed by your felon. Every dem I know supports lawbreakers at BLM being legally held to account. Now it's your turn : tell us about the poor Trump-criminal "hostages." And i can't recall saying the word "fascist." But every time I read one of your posts I instantly want to say "hypocrite."
The jackals are on the prowl always. Don’t try to reason with it. They eat their own. It’s just natures way, for black widows
That the same Law and Order with Dorn at third base or was that LA law? Humor aside, the Dems really celebrated harry reid in 2013 similar to today. My opinion is this comes back to bite them. Maybe I’m wrong.