A supposition that a Twitter user figured out: Trump is always saying that immigrants coming to America are coming out of jails and asylums. Trump doesn't know that asylum has two meanings: a crazy house AND the act of leaving a place for safety somewhere else. Therefore, he associates any use of "immigrant" and "asylum" to mean crazy people coming to the US. It might be tied somehow to his invocation of Lecter who was in an asylum for most of The Silence of the Lambs. Just reason #48578304759 he should be ineligible for any elected office.
Interesting. Trump also thinks that if tariffs are imposed on goods coming into this country from China, China pays the tariffs.
That sounds too dumb to be true. But his four years in office were full of mindblowingly dumb things, so I can't rule it out.
Come on guys.. they have been flying in people from asylums since George Washington bunkered down in valley forge and took over the airports.
It's actually pretty simple. Trump doesn't know anything. (Except about committing crimes and defrauding banks and investors, of course.) John Kelly once complained that Trump 'doesn't know any history at all, even some of the basics on the US,' book says John Kelly once complained that Trump 'doesn't know any history at all, even some of the basics on the US,' book says
As crazy as it sounds, some Trump critics think Trump is confusing Hannibal Lecter and insane asylums with migrants seeking asylum from persecution. Why does he keep bringing up Hannibal Lecter? Why does he keep saying migrants are coming from insane asylums? Critics point to "missing link" in Donald Trump's Hannibal Lecter remarks
Remember when Trump discovered that the initials U.S. have the same letters as the word "us"? He was soooo proud of himself. Called himself a "genius".
He doesn't know enough about anything in the first place, to confuse it with anything else. Well, except possibly for bankruptcy, fraud, adultery and rape. So, IMO; no. Just some (more) meaningless word salad from him.
Trump is still confusing Hannibal Lecter and insane asylums with migrants seeking asylum from persecution. And he apparently thinks Hannibal Lecter is a real person.
They're coming to take me away ha ha, they're coming to take me away ho ho, to the happy home where basket weavers sit and twiddle their thumbs and toes......