As I stated, I already know and understand your position--why are you reitierating it for the 1,000th time, to me of all ppl???? I really do not have a problem with your position, CHFXX. Quiote frankly, I really don't care... ...and again I ask, why do you care what I thought about Iraq? Do you really want to turn this into a rehash of old Iraq threads? #$#$& it. I'll humor you. I was very much pro-Iraq, after 10 years of Hussein thumbing his nose at us, after his (very likely) attack on the WTC in '93, after his attempts to assassinate our POTUS... then in the wake of 9/11 EVERYTHING changed... so sure, I was all for toppling that SH. In contrast, while I'm no fan of Putin, I'm simply not particularly moved by his dabbings East of NATO. Well there you have it--justification for your finger wagging regurgitation of your apporved orthodoxy, to impress your fellow choir members in this thread... ...guess I'll tune in later for a late afternoon chuckle...
In the wake of 911... Iraq... What? Not going to rehash that either - but as least we all know you have consistently staked out incorrect positions in 21st century foreign affairs.
Because that's all you've got. . . emojis! Congratulations. You ARE the LCD of the American political system. Give yourself a big pat on the back for that.
I love it. Double down on the American Teutoburg Forest. So, that mess (which is now an Iranian proxy) was worth 3-5 Trillion and 3000 American lives, along with the embarrassment that the occupation became? And now you whine about 60B (most of it just old crap we don't use) and no commitment of American troops? You truly are the LCD of American politics, a literal metaphor for everything that's wrong with our country. Yeah, continue to hamstring your country for lame-ass domestic political partisanship. ". . . not particularly moved." Hey, way to take a strong position there.
back on topic. ATACMS takes out another s - 300 and Putin announces a bounty for the first F-16. I really hope some Russian pilot or squadron decides to chase one into a air defense trap. Not sure how much of the russian area still has anti-aircraft systems covering it. Hopefully Ukraine is using atacms to clear a path to the bridge and loading the exit window with their own antiaircraft capabilities Run in, hit it hard, run out, let them chase you into a crossfire. sounds simple, what could go wrong?? maybe preposition manpad opposition within Crimea between russian airbase and point fo intercept with Ukranian attack bombers to cause problems for russian jets enroute. Send a wild weasel flight in advance of the attack bombers to identify missed air defenses ?? I really want that bridge to go down... how many air defense systems can Russian send into theatre? seems like they have lost a lot along with early warning capabilities Ukrainian forces destroy Russian S-300 with American ATACMS ( The Ukrainians have confirmed that they successfully destroyed another Russian S-300 air defense system using American ATACMS missiles. We'll explain the capabilities of this weapon. According to information published by the Ukrainian military command, the attack took place on July 15th, shortly after midnight Eastern Time. The Russian equipment was targeted near Mariupol and then hit using ATACMS missiles, resulting in damage to the radar station and an unspecified number of launchers that are part of the S-300 system. ....... It's worth noting that the Ukrainians have also received ATACMS M39A1 variant missiles as part of Western support. These missiles can strike targets up to 186 miles away and have the added advantage of satellite navigation. They carry fewer M74 bomblets, as the warhead has been slightly reduced to increase the rocket fuel capacity.
And for no other reason than a talking head told him so. Absolutely none of this came from intellectual deliberation. This is also evident in his complete inability to deal with details. Just rhetorical talking point after rhetorical talking point. Jesus, I could get that from Hannity.
don't care if they send paper planes but getting enough control over enough airspace to take out the bridge would be a win. taking out response planes would be a bonus. a second wave focused on the overland rail link while they were distracted with the bridge would be a cherry on top. there have been a LOT of body blows to the air defense and early warning systems throughout Crimea in the last 30 - 60 days. I would think there was a reason they hit what they did, or at least one would hope so.
Interesting. You equate Iraq to a battle. In what war was Iraq a battle of? As for the price tag--the numbers i've seen are like 1.8 Trillion over like 12 years (meanwhile we pissed 3.7 Trillion in 2 months in '20 to hide from Covid, lock up our kids, and deprive them of education and growth, in order to protect our remnant boomers...). LOL! More spittling anger... You are funny. Why must I take a strong position over something I do not feel strongly about? I mean, you continue to make my point--you can't accept that there could be reasonable schools of thought that do not conform with the *approved orthodoxy* so you resort to spittlng mad angry posts and childish insults. You're literately trolling, because you don't like that I don't agree with your position vis a vis this war.
Really? What 'talking head' told me what to think? I actually do listen to and watch Hannity occasionally--enough to know that he has and continues to support the war--that is, he supports our efforts to support Ukraine v Russia. Does that sound like I'm taking Marching orders from Hannity? LOL! You really just can't handle ppl who don't sing in perfect harmony with you... Anyways...thanks for the afternoon chuckle.
Amazing, isn’t it? Guy’s tying himself into more partisan and illogical knots than you could find in a bag of pretzels, but maybe it is we who are the warhawk neo cons. LOL at that. Let’s ponder that accusation for a second. U.S. Invasion of Iraq: U.S. government, indeed controlled by war-hawks, spinning lies about WMD’s. 92bought the lies of the neocon warhawks and STILL doesn’t get it. Still even trying to figure ways to justify it. Even after ISIS and all the dominoes that fell because of Iraq. Russian Invasion of Ukraine, we were told by Vladimir Putin that Ukraine was a Nazi fascist country and (comically) that their “special purpose operation” (not a war) was to root out the Nazi’s in control of Ukraine. 92 take. Hmm, maybe we should consider the Russian POV here. Are you kidding me? There’s actually a very simple and consistent way to look at these wars. Eff the false pretenses for invasions. Eff the invaders. My conscious is clean being against BOTH invasions, and being in favor of our govt working with the rest of Europe to get Ukraine what it needs to survive. Not a warhawk neo-con take. Don’t need to watch news or run that through Twitter meme generators. It is just obvious here. Can’t even argue any political angle for me, I was in favor of retaliation against Afghanistan, never questioned that invasion as anything but justified. Even though in the end it was equally futile as Iraq, Afghan war was justified but wrong mission in hindsight. 92’s “logic”? Seems to be whatever MAGA media tells him.
Lol! Another gratuitous side swipe, bc somehow, it must really bothers y'all, that I'm not all pom poms for this war. I mean.... damn... I not on here arguing or trying to persuade anyone not to support the war, and yet somehow, for merely suggesting there's room enough for different schools of thought, I garner a 5+ paragraph passive aggressive side swipe... It's just funny. Yo @BLING and @CHFG8R Feel free to put me on ignore. I'm duly entertained by y'all's reactions, so I'm not ignoring yall, but i won't miss yall, and my fillins won't be hurt if suddenly y'all's posts were to disappear. ...and surely we can agree, neither of us will be missing anything substantive, certainly not in this thread, anyway.
I skip almost all post in this ramble looking for actual info/insight but this made me laugh..thanks..needed a laugh
ruh roh raggy. this won't help. the brain drain of foreign and domestic talent and pieces and parts is being felt. Russia's Arctic Gas Project Faces Uncertainty as Production Crashes ( ARussian liquefied natural gas (LNG) facility has slashed its production by more than three quarters in one month, it has been reported, as sanctions from Vladimir Putin's invasion of Ukraine continue to wreak havoc on his key energy export. The dramatic cut in output at the Arctic LNG 2 project signals that Russia is having problems in both exporting its key energy resource via pipelines controlled by state giant Gazprom and with its more flexible liquefied equivalent transported by ship. The Arctic LNG 2 project in which Russia's biggest LNG producer Novatek has a 60 percent stake, is located in the Gydan peninsula and started production in December. But Reuters reported on Tuesday that in May, the project recorded its lowest monthly production for the last six months, extracting around 55 million cubic meters (mcm) of natural gas—down from about 215 mcm in April.
More good news for Russia--it's biggest agricultural region is having a terrible crop yield. It's o.k., though, because with millions of people leaving Russia to escape conscription and hundreds of thousands dying in Ukraine, they don't need as much food as they did a few short years ago. You know, before they became barbarians. Rostov's grain harvest is expected to be down 38% this year. Russian grain harvest overall is down 16% from 2022. Hopefully, Russians will starve with dignity, and not blame their leadership for not being able to buy grain from European countries (including Ukraine) or America. It would be a shame to see Putin lynched by his own people for causing them to starve. It would be far better for Putin to turn himself in to the Hague for war crimes, and see what punishment they have in mind. Russian farmers fight to salvage harvest as major region cuts forecast
The latest rumor is that Ukraine has the same chance of defeating Russia as Philadelphia has for having snowfall in July. Looking good! July Snow Recorded At Philadelphia Airport During A Heat Wave
Idk if anyone has really noticed but the Russian advance has largely slowed to basically nothing. ISW reporting very little movement the last week or two despite massive Russian casualties the last two months. You have to wonder wth they’re doing. With Trump likely to be president why just keep throwing men away? Why not just play defense until next year? Seems weird to me.
Russia withdraws the last of its ships from Black Sea. Concedes defeat of its navy to a country without one. Russia pulled last Black Sea Fleet warship from Crimea: Ukraine Russia has pulled its last Black Sea Fleet warship from Crimea, a Ukrainian navy spokesperson said. Dmitry Pletenchuk said Monday that the Russian patrol ship was "leaving our Crimea right now." It would mark the end of the Russian fleet's presence on the peninsula since 2014.