VCU Wilder Poll: Released July 16, 2024 Wilder Poll Summer 2024_Release1_FINAL.pdf - Google Drive Presidential election intentions When asked who they would vote for if the election for president was being held today and they had to decide right now, Donald Trump, the Republican, slightly leads with 39% saying they would vote for him. Slightly less respondents (36%) say they would vote for Joe Biden, the Democrat. The difference between the two is less than the margin of error for this poll but sees a shift towards President Trump compared to VCU Wilder School’s December Commonwealth poll which had President Biden leading President Trump 42% - 39%. For the remaining candidates, 9% of Virginians say they would vote for Robert Kennedy Jr., 2% for Jill Stein, and 1% for Cornel West. This was after the debate and before the attempted assassination. It is within the margin of error, but the poll says there has been a shift to Trump. Biden's approval rating is 36%. He isn't going to win Virginia with that rating.
Unless something else unusual happens Biden is toast. He can’t win. I wish he’d step aside but he is so senile he doesn’t even realize how bad of shape he is in.
Do you think Kamala Harris does any better? Becasue I don't see the Dems starting from scratch with two new Party candidates this late in the game. I think Nancy knows this and that's why she's doing damage control for down ballot House and Senate positions. She's trying to secure the congress. I believe she knows where the Dems are in this election cycle. If Biden loses Virginia it's pretty much game over for him.
Step aside and then what? Do you really think people would coalesce behind a successor when everyone has a different opinion on who it should be?
This is one poll, but I like that it is from a legitimate source from within Virginia. I suspect there will be an uptick in other polls for Trump after the assassination attempt and the RNC likely to upside of the margin for error. Welcome back from the dark side Virginia.
It is not as farfetched as you think. Would you rather play the chess match against someone who has dementia or someone who does not have dementia?
Both polls are too recent to disregard. The VCU poll shows Trump +3, and the NY Times/Siena College poll shows Biden +2 in the ballot including all candidates. Net = +1 Trump. It'll be interesting to see how the polls roll out next week after the assassination attempt and the RNC which concludes on Thursday night for those who are not watching, all of the lefties here. Both parties usually get a bump coming out of their conventions, but that seems less likely with all of the democratic party infighting over whether Biden should stay in the race or not. Insofar as polling Kamala Harris is concerned, I'm calling BS on getting accurate responses on a ballot that doesn't exist. From the poll NY Times/Siena College Poll: (Includes leaners) If the 2024 presidential election were held today, who would you vote for if the candidates were: Date: July 9-12, 2024 Pop.: R.V. N: 661 Joe Biden, the Democrat 46% Donald Trump, the Republican 44% [VOL] Don't know/Refused 10% (Without leaners) If the 2024 presidential election were held today, who would you vote for if the candidates were: [READ LIST] [IF NEEDED: If you had to decide today, are you leaning toward one candidate?] Date: July 9-12, 2024 Pop.: R.V. N: 661 Joe Biden, the Democrat 38% Donald Trump, the Republican 36% Robert F. Kennedy Jr., the third-party candidate 9% Jill Stein, the Green Party candidate 2% [VOL] Cornel West, the third-party candidate 0% Chase Oliver, the Libertarian Party candidate <1% [VOL] Another candidate (specify) <.5% [VOL] Not going to vote/wouldn't vote if those were the choices 4% [VOL] Don't know/Refused 11%
I agree. It’s so frustrating. It’s also our country, not all his and Jill’s to decide what’s best. He does have the powerful point there was a primary and Dems voted overwhelmingly for him. Of course they were voting for who he was and thought still is, vs what the world saw in that debate. But to your point, it’s looking like a Trump victory and it could be a landslide. I’m getting frustrated with him and Jill. Dems are slowly walking to the edge of a cliff with this “ oh well, nothing we can do”
China would be crazy to ostracize itself from the rest of the world. The depend on so many counties to supply them with raw materials that they would destroy their economy. I don't think they are that suicidal when it comes to their economic power. What are their options? Death of their economy for invading Taiwan... or paying more in tariffs to Donald J.Trump's U.S.A.? They have one viable option as a world trading partner, becasue there is no return from an invasion of Taiwan. Invading China would end their plcae as a super power and no one would trade with them at their current levels or trade. Their economy would crash
I’m getting bitter towards him. At this point I regret him running 4 years ago, because he only delayed the problem. He is undoing whatever good he may have done. Apparently he is taking advice from Hunter. His complete lack of introspection at this point shows me he isn’t even up to the task of making sound decisions. He’s delusional.
No matter how bad it may become, we're stuck with Biden until January unless he voluntarily steps aside and soon. I've already realized one of my top two fears until Biden leaves office with Trump almost being assassinated. The other fear involves spreading wars and terrorist attacks within the US due perceived weakness in the US government. I recommend prayers to God followed by not worrying. Ultimately, it is in God's hands. I think Trump being spared from assassination was an act of God.