They really aren't that bought in. That's part of the deal past government's have with their people. We govern. You stay out of politics. . . . Until they don't. Cool how the CCP ("friends for life" LOL!!!) completely fucked them on the NG pipeline. Only a matter of time before they "slide in" to that part of Russia they currently have on their maps of China. 4D Chess indeed!
Hmm, let ‘s see, foreign agents like the Levada Center which vouched for the elections — and which show a dizzying trust factor for Putin — or you ? It galls Muricans, like you, that there are other countries that hold their leaders in high regard.
I'm not galled. It's hilarious. I consider myself lucky to witness the last decades of Russia as a meaningful presence in the world. You've got about a decade before you run out of fighting-age men. Now that things have stabilized (and even Trump isn't talking shit anymore), it's just a matter of time. Putin and Xi, swirling down the toilet arm in arm. Gonna be a beautiful sight.
One big problem for Western war pigs … The West just isn’t having enough babies to fight a massive, protracted land war in Russia’s backyard. Ukraine was the West’s last and best chance to see Putin ousted and his country weakened.
Look at the population pyramid. China, Japan, N. Korea are worse, but you're right there with the Germans. Enjoy your last hurrah! The Turks will be in control in the south in 2 decades as the Russians slowly wither away. Way to piss away your last generation of fighting men. LOL!!!!
We're never committing troops there, nor will we have to. Just halt the lines (which has been accomplished) and let them bleed out their last generation of fighting men. So much winning it hurts!
You missed the implication. Other than Africa, nobody is having enough babies to ‘defeat’ Russia in its backyard, let alone NATO countries. Russia is said to have 750,000 troops in theatre now, the vast majority held in reserve and is building to 1.5 million active troops by 2025. NATO would need literally millions of troops (that it does not have) to drive Russia out of its new territories. Add that the millions living in those territories might like where they’re at. The West was never going to achieve it’s goals regarding Russia.
Nobody wants to defeat Russia in its backyard, we just want Russia to STAY THERE! It's simply not worth it. Just wait them out and buy resources from whoever replaces Putin and his kleptocratic cronies. Resources are the only thing they have that's of any value to us and we can wait for those. Again, halt the lines and let them bleed out their last generation of fighting men. It will be ugly, but the writing is already on the wall. Meanwhile, your only friend (CCP) that matters is basically making Russia it's prison bitch. Well played Mr. 4D Chess!
Zero evidence that Russia ever purposed to achieve goals other than those that pertained thwart the West’s goal to feed Ukraine to it in the hopes that it would choke. Also: I have a dual citizenship in Russia and China and am applying for citizenship in North Korea, Iran and El Salvador.
You have not halted the lines. You’re being methodically pushed back and ground to dust in Russia’s (too restrained for many Russians) war of attrition. You could have negotiated, back in February 2022, and basically kept the country you had at that time, albeit with certain stipulations.
Yeah, sure they are. They're effectively halted. Kharkiv would be a perfect example of this. Your loser buddies got a few hundred yards for thousands of lives and are no closer to taking the town than they were 2 years ago. Not to mention, Ukraine is now striking your supply depots and staging areas in Russia all this after tearing your oil production a new asshole. LOL!!!! Keep on winning losers!!!!
It doesn’t matter how many times my president tells you we’re not trying to take Kharkiv, you continue to believe we’re trying to take your second-largest city with 15k troops. We don’t want your god-forsaken city. Your power grid is mostly down and no Netflix.
It's not "MY" city, it's Ukraine's city and you still lost thousands to gain a few hundred yards. . . even though you "weren't trying to take it". And I'm sure those oil production cuts were "voluntary" too. Any other news from Never Never Land?
Nope, but I do hope they start their "revolution" and get what's coming to them. I'm more of a Bush I/John Bolton guy. Those are your people, not mine.