As long as we agree that by "various Western sources" we are talking about a liar in a basement with a Twitter account and no hint of credibility whatsoever. Ukraine would have run out of soldiers months ago if they were losing 45,000 troops a month. They would have lost the war in the first year, easily, if that were the case. Your sources are liars. It does absolutely no good to quote "the lower estimate" of two liars, Lee Harvey.
There is no excuse for posting such a visual assault on the retina. That should be a banable offense. [Dry herve_ bile in the throat...]
Your Russian shill is incredibly ignorant. It is perfectly safe to play with gasoline near matches. It is only dangerous to play with matches near gasoline. Try to get a Russian shill that actually knows how to speak English next time, Lee Harvey. Beyond that, everyone knows that this is not an existential war for Russia, down to the front-line soldiers for Russia. It MAY be an existential war for Putin, who might be tossed off a balcony if he loses this war, cripples Russia's military, and craters Russia's economy. Russia has lost wars much worse than this one before, and the nation still exists. In fact, it has been centuries since Russia has won a war without a lot of outside help. Russia is actually very good at losing wars, and they have demonstrated that over and over again.
LOL the Baltic chihuahua plainly said Russia must be splintered into pieces. Which one are you ? Dumb or dumber ?
Russia’s devastating glide bombs keep falling on its own territory ( More evidence of how far Russia has fallen behind the U.S. in terms of precision-guided munitions. This is why I'm not persuaded that every time a Russian missile or bomb hits an apartment building or supermarket that it is a function of Russian malevolence. Incompetence seems to have more explanatory power, though I take the point of those who argue that knowing how inaccurate your weapons are, still using them in urban environments, and fully understanding the collateral damage they will cause on a people you mean to rule as “fellow Russians” is a form of malevolence.
They are awful for Ukraine. Could f16s help? go after the jets dropping glide bombs? Supposedly the air to air we can provide them have better distance than Russian. Of course any lurking s400s would take out f16s in their range.
Toughly 10,000 Ukeainians dying in a war that was over before it started. Democrats don't want the war to be officially "lost" till after the election so the slaughter goes on.
this will make the grieving widows feel better Russia raises gas tariffs to highest level in 11 years to save energy giant Gazprom ( The Russian government has implemented the highest gas tariff increase in 11 years to bolster Gazprom's budget after the energy giant experienced a record net loss last year. It is noted, however, that at the same time, overall payments for housing and utilities services have risen by 9.8%, and distribution companies supplying electricity, water and gas have increased their tariffs for all categories of consumers by 9.1%. This means that Russian citizens will be paying 20% more for gas over the next two years, and that gas prices will have increased by 34% since the beginning of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Gas prices in Russia have never risen so rapidly in recent years. The last surge in gas tariffs – 15% in one year – occurred in 2013. However, a significant deterioration in Gazprom's finances has prompted the Russian authorities to increase the burden on consumers in 2024.
Why would they increase tariffs if they are also, per article, “Russia and China willopen the Far Eastern pipeline route so that Beijing can receive more gas from Moscow.”? Fuel costs have a significant impact on the overall inflation rate. Russia has attempted to keep their inflation rate from spiking by raising the interest rate - currently 16%. Their inflation rate is still roughly 8%. which would seem to go up with that tariff.
all of this and more. If nothing else this war proves in pretty clear fashion the Russian military capabilities haven’t progressed much since WWI. They are still fighting wars of attrition because that’s all they can do and even then they are wholly incapable of any combined arms beyond 50 miles of their own border. It borders on fantastic that a plane designed more than 50 years ago and introduced into service in 1978 would bring the Ukrainians close to air superiority when/if used. My biggest beef with this entire war is because of our climate change loons we can’t even get a deal for cheap Ukrainian energy for a decade or so after the war given our support in dollars and weapons