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SCOTUS J6 Decision

Discussion in 'Too Hot for Swamp Gas' started by ETGator1, Jun 28, 2024.

  1. gatorjo

    gatorjo GC Hall of Fame

    Feb 24, 2024
    Crazy times. Amazing how many Americans support a traitor and those who enact his criminal conspiracy.

    Does that make them traitors?

    It will take a long longtime, but will be fun to watch these people change their story about supporting a traitor.
    • Come On Man Come On Man x 4
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  2. WarDamnGator

    WarDamnGator GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 8, 2007
    I'm sorry, but anyone who has watched the videos from the J6 riot and doesn't see an ocean of 1000s of criminals is the blind sheep here. It's Partisanship over law and order for you, clearly.
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  3. ETGator1

    ETGator1 GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 3, 2007
    You and your sources. LOL!

    You have a better source than the original document I provided with the article? You should consider letting your snowflake melt just a bit to arrive at something resembling common sense.
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  4. ETGator1

    ETGator1 GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 3, 2007
    I've known J6 was nothing but BS since two official reports were released in the spring of 2021, one by the DOD. That didn't stop Dictator Biden and the democratic party from weaponing everything in sight, harass innocent Americans, and have a run of abuse of power that puts the US on a similar with footing with Russia. Forget being a banana republic since July 2016 when Hillary and Bill were given clear passes by Comey, Bill included because the corrupt Clinton Foundation pay for access was never investigated, the US skipped right over socialism to fascism/communism under Dictator Biden.

    Thank you, SCOTUS, for putting some sanity back into the US judicial system.

    Can only hope Monday turns out as well even if not perfect.
    Last edited: Jun 29, 2024
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  5. GatorJMDZ

    GatorJMDZ gatorjack VIP Member

    Apr 3, 2007
    It is absolutely pathetic that someone who pretends to be an American thinks this way. The January 6th group of "tourists" violently forced their way into the Capitol building to disrupt an official proceeding and to physically harm certain members of Congress, perhaps even the vice president based on the lies of a psychopath. In doing so they assaulted multiple police officers resulting in 5 deaths and numerous injuries. These animals defecated and urinated in the building and spread their feces on the walls. They destroyed government property, they stole government property.

    Yet here you come along and label their prosecution "BS" and celebrate the remand of one of their charges for further proceedings due to the SCOTUS' highly questionable interpretation of a federal statute.. You apparently hope for a SCOTUS opinion Monday that prevents presidents from being prosecuted for their criminal behavior, up to murder of a political opponent if you accept the argument of Trump's attorney.

    You, sir, are part of the reason for gated communities and automatic door locks on cars. Somewhere you have lost your way. Whatever ability your parents may have instilled in you to differentiate between right and wrong has been replaced with a political win at all costs analysis. The sad thing is your moral compass is not the only one our Jim Jones of a former president corrupted, there are many, many more. I spent 6.5 years of my life helping to put people with corrupted moral value systems in prison. We are going to need more prosecutors...a lot more.
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  6. gatorjo

    gatorjo GC Hall of Fame

    Feb 24, 2024
    You strongly support the criminal traitors who attacked our government, motivated by the lies of the now-convicted felon as part of his criminal conspiracy to overturn an election.

    Many would say that that makes you a traitor too.
    • Come On Man Come On Man x 2
  7. ETGator1

    ETGator1 GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 3, 2007
    You've bought the anti-republic and anti-freedom democratic party false narrative so long you wouldn't be able to recognize the truth if it bit you on your butt.

    Reading you need to do which you obviously haven't:

    Report No. DODIG-2022-039: Review of the DOD's Role, Responsibilities, and Actions to Prepare for and Respond to the Protest and Its Aftermath at the U.S. Capitol Campus on January 6, 2021 (defense.gov)

    january 6 clearinghouse Internal Report of US Army Operations on January 6, 2021 (March 18, 2021).pdf (justsecurity.org)

    Watch this too:

    New video shows Nancy Pelosi 'taking responsibility' for breakdown of security on Jan. 6 (youtube.com)

    A few of my comments:

    In meeting between J2-J4, acting AG Jeffrey Rosen was named the lead federal agency if assistance was needed. The DOJ! LOL!

    Mayor Murial Bowser on J5 sent a letter that no more assistance was needed unless requested. She shut a larger NG presence out of DC and away from the capitol.

    In video, Nancy Pelosi rightly took responsibility for the capitol as it was her responsibility. Of course, she became the supreme architect of the J6 committee rather than be honest from the get-go.

    Resigned chief of the capitol police adamantly states he was refused assistance before and during J6, included in the Pelosi video which was obviously withheld for political reasons.

    Dictator Biden ran with his fascist/communist actions by weaponing everything he could touch while controlling the political narrative to attack all of his political opponents, including lawfare against President Trump which became organized in November 2022 and commenced shortly thereafter.
    Last edited: Jun 29, 2024
  8. ETGator1

    ETGator1 GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 3, 2007
    Grow up, words have meaning. You continuously show you don't have a clue what you are saying.
  9. okeechobee

    okeechobee GC Hall of Fame

    Sep 11, 2022
    If Ketanji Brown Jackson (and 5 others) think hundreds of them were wrongly prosecuted, Imma go with hundreds of them were wrongly prosecuted. There are some who should be, but when viewed in the lexicon that literally tens of thousands of rioters across the country were never charged for their actions, I think we'll survive if some of the J6 participants are let go.
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  10. gatorjo

    gatorjo GC Hall of Fame

    Feb 24, 2024
    That's a strange post. Tbh, it doesn't make much sense to me.

    But what I said is perfectly clear; we had a sitting POTUS who lost an election and knew it (as indicated by testimony of advisors and appx 65 failed court cases), but who initiated a campaign to deny the results of that election. Said campaign (conspiracy?) included coercing state election officials, establishing false slates of electors, and trying to coerce his VP. That POTUS then joyfully watched for over 3 hours while his supporters committed acts of vandalism and violence, desecrating the Capitol Building and threatening the safety of lawmakers, while physivally beating hundreds of police officers.

    Those are the FACTS. You cannot change the FACTS. Saying I "don't have a clue" means absolutely nothing - if you are denying FACTS, then it is YOU that has no clue.

    So I take it you must be objecting to my use of the word "traitor." Well, what better way is there to describe such? "Criminal conspirator"?

    At the end of the day the words don't matter and the FACTS do; you support a traitor, and, along with several others here, repeatedly try to lie about what happened. Sorry, but your lies aren't effective.
    • Fistbump/Thanks! Fistbump/Thanks! x 1
  11. ETGator1

    ETGator1 GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 3, 2007
    I guess so. I don't know what happened. It isn't important anyway. Carry on.
  12. gatorjo

    gatorjo GC Hall of Fame

    Feb 24, 2024
    Well, it's nice to see you acknowledge supporting a traitor, at least.

    Carry on.
  13. ETGator1

    ETGator1 GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 3, 2007
    Define traitor, no false and hateful diatribe from you accepted.
  14. gatorjo

    gatorjo GC Hall of Fame

    Feb 24, 2024
    Knowingly implementing a criminal conspiracy to overturn an election. And all the concomitant criminal aspects of that that we know well by now.

    That's all you'll get from me - I won't play your "explain to me what we all know so that I can just lie about it game."


    If you want to play this game - YOU answer; was it acceptable to establish fake slates of electors and pressure state officials, then sit and watch the violence of J6 while doing nothing......ALL after having seen appx 65 or more sympathetic court cases fail?


    Edit : LOL, all you've got is a 'come on man.' Sad.
    Last edited: Jun 29, 2024
    • Come On Man Come On Man x 1
  15. SLOgator

    SLOgator Speaks of the pompatice of love Premium Member

    Apr 9, 2007
    ”…assaulted multiple police officers resulting in 5 deaths” ?
    The only death was a woman who made the mistake of knocking on a wrong door and was shot in the neck by a quasi policeman, who was never charged.
    Don’t let “the story”get in the way of the truth, counselor…
    Last edited: Jun 29, 2024
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  16. WarDamnGator

    WarDamnGator GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 8, 2007
    Biden made more sense, and Trump told fewer whoopers, than this post.

    Here's the video of her "knocking on the wrong door". Her and her fellow rioters had smashed through the last door separating the congress people from the mob that wanted to murder them and she was attempting to leap through the opening ....

    You probably repeat the lies about them being "tourists" and the cops were "opening door for them", too, right? ... like a good little sheep?

    Capitol shooting that led to Ashli Babbitt's death captured on video (nbcnews.com)
    • Agree Agree x 2
  17. ETGator1

    ETGator1 GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 3, 2007
    Traitor: Someone who commits treason.

    First, Trump hasn't been charged with treason. You continue to use traitor which means treason as if it is a fact when it is not. What you continually claim is just a hate filled diatribe based on what you wanted to happen but did not happen.

    A short video of Trump wrapping up his speech about a mile away from the capitol:

    Trump Explicitly Exhorts Marchers to Proceed 'Peacefully and Patriotically' on January 6, 2021 (youtube.com)

    Exhorting peaceful and patriotic protesting is not a crime.

    In an original timeline, problems with people entering the capitol had already begun before Trump finished his speech. That's a different subject altogether.

    You don't have to continue to spew falsehoods. Try reading the J6 reports I posted above from the Inspector General of the DOD and the Department of the Army. It would help you to watch Nancy Pelosi in the heat of the moment being caught on video by her own daughter being honest about what happened on J6, see post #27.

    The truth is out there. You just have to dig deeper for it.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  18. mdgator05

    mdgator05 Premium Member

    Dec 9, 2010
    Well, you certainly aren't letting facts get in the way. She didn't knock on a door. She climbed through a window to a restricted space after the mob she was part of smashed the window open violently.
  19. BLING

    BLING GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 16, 2007
    Not a single one was “wrongly prosecuted” unless the obstruction charge was the only charge, and I don’t think that’s the case on any individual unless you can point me to it.

    I’m not gonna go through the list or anything, but I doubt anyone got that charge tagged onto mere “trespassing” charges either. Hypothetically such a person would have a relief based on this judgement, if they existed.

    People who vandalized and assaulted officers would still face serious charges, and mostly those were the people they tagged this charge with. (which makes sense given the 350 out of 1400 total).
  20. gatorjo

    gatorjo GC Hall of Fame

    Feb 24, 2024
    Oh. Were you going to comment on the part about the Trumpies attacking multiple police officers? (Hundreds, really.)

    Were you going to comment on the traitor completely shirking his oath of office while he joyfully watched for over 3 hours while his rubes desecrated the Capitol and committed assault?

    Or are you going to pretend that that didn't happen?