Well, he also said Mexico would pay for the Wall. Maybe we should take things he says with a fistful of salt. All Presidents are boxed in by constructive measures whether they like to admit it or not. This is all speculative fiction because Trump won’t win, but just for fun he will be completely unsuccessful trying to effect any quick end to the war, and Russia will be the problem. Once Russia crosses Trump and ends his vision of being Teddy Roosevelt with a Nobel Peace Prize, he will be inclined to put more pain on Russia, not Ukraine. I get the need for scare tactics to dissuade people from voting for Trump, but this one is not that plausible. There is already plenty to run against Trump with his boorish, unstatesmanlike, unprofessional, and unethical character. I would stick with that.
LOL at people who think we have two parties. Laugh Louder at Murican breast-beaters who think we could be Luxembourg these days.
Ukraine lit up another Russian oil depot, this one in Azov, and it's still burning over a day later. I wonder where all the Russian firemen are? Fire rages for second day at Russian oil depot hit by drones
I've been saying all along, without the Black Sea and Crimea, Ukraine is worthless to NATO. Of course they are going to make them win the war before ever considering actual membership. But that won't stop them from pulling the ole bait and switch...
Russia's "latest and greatest" submarine was seen falling apart as it left Cuba. Parts are falling off and there is a gaping hole in the middle of the hull. The sub is believed to be made of tin. No report on whether the damage was caused by Cuba's "brutal" 21-gun salute. Also no word on whether the U.S. vessels shadowing the Russian navy will be called upon to tow the vessel back to Russia. A Russian submarine that just left Cuba appears to be 'falling apart' with its soundproofing panels falling off, analyst says
I’d love to at least see Finland amass and run military exercises. Regardless, this gives lie to Putin and his apologists claim that Putin was worried about NATO.
It has a lot to do with us and Europe for delaying giving them more advanced weapons and then putting too many restrictions on them. The recent djt delay likely cost them thousands of soldiers.
I think 26 or 27 is youngest. Those guys need to come to the reality that they are needed to stop Russia so unless they want to live under Putin they need to nut up
So what's stopping NATO from sending soldiers to fight for Ukraine from its pool of 700 million member citizens?
....and one might just be inclined to surmise, from the depth of, and proclaimed passion for, their commitment to the sacred cause, that they might dare deign to dawn the sanctified olive cloth of Z's courageous warrior class and tske up arms for their beloved adopted motherland (or is it pet land?) and abandon their self appointed virtual stations at their keyboard command posts... Alas, they appear committed rather to letting others' blood flow for the said 'sacred cause'--.probably because, it actuslally IS others' cause--and not their'n (and bc their purported *commitment to the cause* really doesn't run that deep--a *minor* factoid some of us simply have no problem proudly owning....). Meanwhile, when so called keyboard cowboys actually take up arms to defend OUR southern border, our keyboard warriors mock them as crazy (and mayhaps they may be a little touched... but at least they're sincere...and real). Cowboy up soldiers--man your keyboard stations--the dawn is nigh breaking upon us--*duty* and your petland---calleth upon ye!
I got a crisp honey bee that says the Russo-'kranian war comes to a screeching halt within a year of *Orange guy* (lol! So lame...) aka 'meantweets'-- taking office, with Ukraine remaining an intact independent nation. Not enough bloodshed for you I'm sure--as long as it's not yourn or your kinfolk's--but I suspect the Ukies have quite had their fill... But Party over [country + Ukies lives + national solvency + national border integrity + inflation + 100k/yr fenty deaths + welcoming terrorists + ...] GO DOH! BIDEN!