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UK Election

Discussion in 'Too Hot for Swamp Gas' started by LimeyGator, Jun 18, 2024.

  1. wgbgator

    wgbgator Premium Member

    Apr 19, 2007
    "Just an observation" - a favorite trope among people who say racist shit when confronted.
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  2. Gatorrick22

    Gatorrick22 GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 3, 2007
    I told you not to try me like that... and you still can't help yourself. "Go screw yourself, clown." That's what I say to people that call me a racist.

    Sovereign nations do not need to explain who they let into their nation... period!

    I'm done with open border human trafficker supporter types.
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  3. wgbgator

    wgbgator Premium Member

    Apr 19, 2007
    You keep putting your foot in your mouth, you've had many chances to stop digging your own hole here
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  4. Gatorrick22

    Gatorrick22 GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 3, 2007
    Lol... sovereignty is a concept above your ability to grasp. The groomers and pedophiles and human traffickers love open boarders... your type of people.

    And yes, it's okay to limit immigration to our nation or for any county to do so.... FOR ANY REASON.
  5. wgbgator

    wgbgator Premium Member

    Apr 19, 2007
    "Dont call me racist, but also you are a pedo who loves human traficking" - way to go dude
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  6. danmanne65

    danmanne65 GC Hall of Fame

    Jul 2, 2022
    So you are against what our country was founded on?
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  7. danmanne65

    danmanne65 GC Hall of Fame

    Jul 2, 2022
    Rick has taken this thread far off the original topic. lol. I usually do this thought it would be fun to call someone else out for it.
  8. Gatorrick22

    Gatorrick22 GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 3, 2007
    I never called you JACK... read what I posted. Evidently you like what bad elements like about open open boarders ... just an observation.

    Open borders is something you have in common, but I never called you a trafficker, nor a pedo.

    Let's just say that Europe, and big cities in Europe like London, are in for a culture shock that open border peoples don't even care about. And you are okay with that type of unrest? Are you for a nation's right to limit immigration and a nation's right to sovereignty?

    Look around all of Europe and you see culture clashes instigated by these immigrants in several counties all across Europe. London is a ticking time-bomb.
    Last edited: Jun 19, 2024
  9. mdgator05

    mdgator05 Premium Member

    Dec 9, 2010
    Couture clashes? Now all I can do is picture two models in Chelsea trying to out runway walk each other.
    • Funny Funny x 2
  10. LimeyGator

    LimeyGator Official Brexit Reporter!

    Nigel will win in Clacton, 8th time of asking. If he does, expect him to move to the Tory Party soon after - he will be their leader.
    If not I expect Penny Mordaunt to become their next party leader. Not a huge fan of hers either but she's popular within and has a dominating personality.

    I agree, it was dismal. It's a country that was in the grip of highly politicised issues around immigration/refugees (as it always is... that's the press for you) and so it didn't pull its weight for fear of losing voters. That worked out well...

    The Mohammad/Mohammed/Muhammed thing is a bit of a misnomer, Rick. I live in one of the most diverse towns in the UK where nearly 40% of the population is not "White British". My understanding, having taught here for nearly two decades is that Mohammed is a given name to most British Asian boys out of respect to the prophet of Islam. Indeed, many of the lads I taught don't even go by that name in primary conversation. There's nothing equivalent in "White British" lifestyle so while it might give the sense of there being "too much immigration", it's misleading. 82% of the population is White British, 9% Asian and 4% Black.

    The other thing to note is that most of these lads are British Asian - not 1st generation immigrants. Most are at least 3rd or 4th generation Britons.

    Funny because it's true. We have such a diverse background. The Romans unintentionally mixed European DNA all over the place about 2000 years ago and so many AS moved here after they departed. I did a test once and found most of my background is Germanic-French. Even those who say they have "Celtic" backgrounds fail to realise that it has ties to Spanish tribes many thousands of years ago. Heck, our Patron Saint, George, was an immigrant. It's in the nature of humanity.
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  11. Gatorrick22

    Gatorrick22 GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 3, 2007

    That' nice to hear, Limey, becasue there have been some terrible stories coming out of other European nations and their ability to take in newcomers. Things are so smooth in Sweden, Holland, Belgium, France and Germany. It's nice to know that you Brits have a great way of assimilating new people's and that your nation is more diversified when it comes to a melting pot of difference peoples. But I am talking about resent illegal immigration of people's that have no intentions on assimilating into British culture.

    By the way, I knew about the Romans and all of that, but I had no idea about the Celts and their background. That is truly fascinating. Please fool free to enlighten ups even more about that group of people. Were they the same people that were in Iberia that fought the Romans when they invaded their country?
    Last edited: Jun 19, 2024
  12. FutureGatorMom

    FutureGatorMom Premium Member

    Apr 3, 2007
    I heard a brit on a tik tok live last night talking about how they have a group of people over there who like trumph, they even wear MEGA hats (Make England Great Again). He also said a million people coming across their border is much more overwhelming than it would be for us because they are essentially an island.

    Seriously though, the far right uprising in many countries is starting to look scary. I don't like anything radical, in either direction.
  13. LimeyGator

    LimeyGator Official Brexit Reporter!

    A few things. Firstly, whomever that was is a complete and utter nut case proving why social media isn't be trusted. There aren't a million people coming over the border. That's what the shock jocks want to scare everyone into thinking to press forward draconian rules about immigration.
    According to official numbers, 52,530 illegal immigrants - barely 5% of that figure - entered the UK in the previous year. Don't get me wrong - that is a problem. Around ~85% of that came in via small boats and all political parties are making it a pledge to crack down on it, rightly so. There are a lot of unscrupulous criminals weaponising those crossings, which are dangerous for all involved.

    As for Trump, yes, some people like do like him because he says what he thinks. My uncle, for example, is a big fan.
    Generally, public sentiment is quite negative about the chap - those that don't like him really don't like him.

    For balance, Biden doesn't get on any better in terms of popularity, but he doesn't seem to irk quite as many people.

    In terms of UK political leaders, our likely next PM (Starmer) is at 30/38/26 while Rishi Sunak is 20/55/22. Politicians are never much of a popular bunch I suppose...

    Barack Obama fared much better than most...

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  14. Gatorrick22

    Gatorrick22 GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 3, 2007
    The Dems keep describing Trump and his voters as "far right." Define what is is about MAGA that you think is far right, please.
  15. FutureGatorMom

    FutureGatorMom Premium Member

    Apr 3, 2007
    There is a large "christian value" type of undertone to it all. Mike Johnson said "the bible is my law book." Overturning Roe V Wade, putting the marriage debate back on the table with SCOTUS, wanting to do away with birth control, banning books they deem "pornographic", firing all of the civil servants who are not loyal to trumph and hiring only those that are, doing away with the Department of Education, putting the prez in control of the DOJ, people who back him at his rallies being interviewed stating he is "the chosen one", "God sent him to us".
    I could go on and on. Hearing that there are MEGA people there who are also considered right wing, makes a connection to me that it is spreading. France has a right wing working into power.

    Seems radical to me.
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  16. ThePlayer

    ThePlayer VIP Member

    Apr 3, 2007
    Limey, are you as adept at picking political races in the UK as football games in America?
    What do you think of this center-right movement in Europe in general?
    Sounds like Europeans are not fond of immigration and over-regulation.
  17. Gatorrick22

    Gatorrick22 GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 3, 2007
    The SCOTUS made Roe V Wade a state's right issue becasue there is NO Constitutional protections for people (woman) to murder the unborn.

    Read what the founding fathers wrote during the founding of our nation and you will see Christian values all over their writings. Nothing new about that.
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  18. FutureGatorMom

    FutureGatorMom Premium Member

    Apr 3, 2007
    Why do we need the SCOTUS then? They passed it 50+ years ago. It's one of those things that need a federal precident, not a fly by night leave it to the states determination. I guess when Comey Barret and Kavanaugh were asked about it during their confirmation hearings and they said it "was settled LAW" they wee mistaken? Let's not get into the is it a baby is it not debate, you're wrong so I'm not wasting my time.

    The founding fathers believed in separation of church and state, that's why they fled England. They believed in religious freedom, not forcing others to follow your religion. You guys can never get that right. We are NOT a christian nation. Next up: Laws drawn up following the Bible. No thanks.
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  19. Gatorrick22

    Gatorrick22 GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 3, 2007
    People do change their opinions and change their mind all the time. Remember when Obama was for marriage between a man and a woman before he go elected only that change his mind once he was elected? That sort of thing happens all the time.

    We also might not be a Christian nation per se based by the laws we write and create, but Christian men wrote everything about how our nation operates from the Bill of Rights and the Constitution including our Second Amendment Rights Rights that are inalienable... What do you suppose they meant by inalienable? That has a higher power connotation, a reference to GOD, that is a plain as the Sun is bright.

    Nothing MAGA stands for is against the Constitution, nor is it about religiosity.

    Inalienable means that man kind cannot take these right away from We The People. That is what MAGA wants to protect... The Constitution of The United States of America. Still the most powerful symbol of freedom ON EARTH.
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  20. FutureGatorMom

    FutureGatorMom Premium Member

    Apr 3, 2007
    You okay? You twisted yourself pretty hard there.

    You can change and evolve, but it takes years, not months. They lied and should be impeached. Americans who believe in a woman's right to autonomy and privacy over their own body will get this overturned. Over 70% of Americans are not okay with it, that includes republicans and independents. And by the way, the dictionary states freedom of religion when it comes to the definition of inalienable, which is what I just said. That goes for everyone by the way, jews, muslims and even witches. Practice whatever religion you want, but do not force it on someone else's religion.

    inalienable | inˈālēənəb(ə)l | adjective unable to be taken away from or given away by the possessor: freedom of religion, the most inalienable of all human rights.
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