You’re correct. The “student assistant” and “volunteer assistant” are two different things. The “volunteer” assistant is no more, and is now just a regular paid assistant. Francesca took that position. The “student assistant” is a grad student, paid a stipend, and given a scholarship, housing, and a meal plan. They can also take money from the clinics and camps. The don’t have to be someone who was on the previous years team anything though. We (I) have jumbled the two positions together here, but you’re correct.
I don't know what student assistants campus-wide are allowed to be paid these days but I'm certain they aren't getting rich off of it. Back in the 70's when I was a student assistant I had a fairly responsible position at the Division of Sponsored Research. I wrote a monthly newsletter to the entire faculty regarding funding opportunities, did a lot of statistical work, and even helped counsel professors as they were trying to construct research proposals for funding. I don't remember the exact figure but they wanted to pay me just slightly over $2 per hour and that exceeded the allowed limit for student assistants. They had to get a special waiver from President Marston to pay me that amount. Obviously higher now with the many years since then but I'm sure still not very much.
Definitely not getting rich. It’s a stepping stone position, like a paid internship. Looks like the stipends are anywhere from like 10-20k. They should make most of their money doing camps. Room and board is taken care of though, so shouldn’t be hard to live. It is a definitely a lot of work.
I think we’re overlooking the obvious choice here. A Gator great who helped Florida win two national titles and then went on to play on the diamond professionally. Clearly it’s…
I can safely say it is not Tebow. the couple of people who do know (and it is slightly more than three but a couple don't post here), stop telling people their guess is wrong. It is ruining the fun. Let everyone that guesses think they are correct until it is announced. While I think my money is safe, I've got $25 for anyone that gets it right. Seriously. If anyone does get it right, you won't find out until the announcement is made but I will come through with the money. Edit: I'm not made of money. It goes only to the first one that gets it right and not to anyone that chimes in and agrees.)
Hannah Adams. She expressed interested in the “Volunteer Assistant Coach’ several years ago when Amanda held the position.
The post about Sponsored Research got me to reminiscing about the seven years I lived in Gainesville and I would do it all over again. I could fill up about 2-3 pages on this board with various stories that would, now, not get me in trouble because the statute of limitations must have expired long ago. Trust me...Gainesville in the 70's was a wild, wacky, beautiful and wonderful experience.
Interesting that Montana is still wearing a brace on her injured leg while she is playing in AU. She clearly gutted it out the last part of her last season at Bama. All the respect to a really great one.
I am not a Murph/Bama fan by any stretch of the imagination but I'll give you a story that tempers it a little when it comes to Patrick Murphy. This goes back to 2019, I guess. USA National 18U had just gutted out a thrilling win over Japan for the World Championship. It was a lot of kids including our Charla. It wasn't just Montana. Anyway, I sent an email to Murphy telling him, right off the bat, that I was a die-hard Gator fan, but how impressed I was with Montana. I guess she must have finished her freshman season but was still 18U eligible. Told him it wasn't just because she was dominant in the circle but more because how she conducted herself with her maturity and confidence. I expected no response. He replied in less than 10 minutes. He said something to the effect, "I am not sure what "it" is but whatever it is, Montana has it." He went on to say that "if you come to the SEC tournament at Bama (canceled due to Covid but nobody knew it then), I would like to meet with you personally". So, whatever your opinion of Patrick Murphy, I haven't forgotten that exchange.
That was in 2019 in Columbus, GA. On that team were Skylar, Charla, Rylee, and Julia Cotrill. It was U19. That was a great softball experience. Sandman 70 and I went. Aubree, Michele, Kirsty, and Kelsey were on Team USA. They cut Kirsti after that. You wouldn't want 4 Gators on Team USA. That was when Sandy and I were right behind the backstop behind home plate. So along comes DeAngelo, and he starts doing his schtick. That lasted about 2 innings, and they came and cleared us all out of there. Come to find out, ESPN had called and said to get him out of there. He was on camera for every pitch. I know some people do not care for him, but he never downs opposing players and cheers for LSU. I have met him several times, and he is positive and polite. I know he likes the attention, but we all seek it in some way. I met so many people on that trip. Charla's dad and stepmom. Her paternal grandparents. Her Mom and maternal grandmother. Kirstie's parents. Her future husband sat behind us one game. Kirsti's dad had some guns on him. He made her future husband start lifting, and he has some guns now. Julia's mom, who was very nice. She and Samantha Walton hung, Sorry to run on. It was fun.
You make an excellent point that I never considered. My opinion of him has gone up a bit based on your insight. UR right, I've never heard him say anything negative. Good point. My major dump on him is that he is selfish -- I'm sure the paying fans behind him and sitting near him are distracted by his jumping up after every pitch, strutting around, and carrying on. I think his love for attention comes at a cost of other people's enjoyment of the game. Heck, he distracts me when I'm watching on TV!