Optimistic. Because, as you know, when we make artificial reefs out of ships we remove all of the HAZMAT (fuel, ordnance, chemicals) first. The Russians, in accordance with their historically environmentally unfriendly practices, have failed to do so. I hear there are even human remains unrecovered in those reefs. Unconscionable.
I call this the reef trope. At last check, I can only confirm that one, repeat: ONE Russian ship has sunk. And after two years we still don’t know why it sunk.
If true, that would be first time atacms used for naval attack. That clears a lot of ocean if Russia has no viable missile defense for their ships.
Honestly, I'm shocked Russia has kept ships in the black sea, given the rate they are being sunk. I don't see the tactical benefit at this point, but perhaps someone with more experience in that area can shed some light. Where did Russia's Black Sea Fleet go?
Toxic fish food. You know how unhealthy the average Russian sailor is? There’s a reason we don’t study great Russian naval victories in military history.
Im sure soldiering with these convicts is welcome news for the un-incarcerated or ski volunteers. I mean, no fragging, following orders, discipline, sobriety, brotherhood of arms and all that are the quality traits of the "Untermensch" are they not? lol
Interesting if true. Must have been a target of opportunity with no better suited ordnance available. An ATACMS is not designed to penetrate a ship. They really should be using those on soft targets like parked aircraft, air defense systems, or propaganda trolls in the open.
Russian naval prowress is best exemplified by a study of the Russo / Japanese Naval Engagement of Tsushima. Enjoy Duggars Dad. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&sou...gQFnoECBQQAQ&usg=AOvVaw1G22TnETDewpVnJcxIbHud
Or propaganda trolls in the open. I know a couple of ski bot posters that would enjoy a Himars sandwich.
I don't think they can get out, except by entering military service and going AWOL, which is probably about as dangerous as fighting if they get caught.
Lol....so the argument is we shouldn't support Ukraine because a NON governmental group has a list of people that don't support Ukraine? Brilliant I guess I should quit donating to UF since you are a Gator but post diatribes against anything non Maga....would make about as much sense
NAFOids tumescent over imagery of grand battles on the high seas. Primarily, Russia has used frigates and submarines to launch cruise missiles from the Black Sea.
Good luck with that. I moved to an undisclosed location after a certain purple-faced vein down the middle of his forehead poster threatened to turn me over to the FBI.