Big decrease in first quarter crime. As a reminder, violent crime rates were mostly down substantially last year as well. Or, if you want to discount the FBI data, here is the updated data from Jeff Asher (who consults with police departments around the country):
I don’t trust the government FBI changed the way it counts crime There is too much crime so people don’t even report it anymore Liberals made everything legal or don’t even arrest people anymore Here is some random crime that proves crime exists
Hard pressed to think of why the crime rate trends downward. Article mentions that crime in general spiked in 2020 due to Covid disruptions and society has re-stabilized. Whatever - more of this please.
George Floyd's 2020 death and the response by Democrat and BLM got the cops to back off policing blacks. Result? 26,000 blacks died from by homicide or by traffic fatality (ballpark estimate). Violent crime was still worse in 2023 than under Trump in 2019
Florida is apparently the worst at reporting with most agencies not reporting their crimes. However, this is all largely irrelevant unless they are doing so for strategic reasons (which wouldn't really make sense since the FBI doesn't report this stuff at an agency-wide level). If it is a randomly selected sample, this should provide a good measure of changes, since we would expect in-sample and out-of-sample trends to mirror each other. Id strongly suspect that the lack of reporting is more bureaucracy-based rather than strategic, which appears to be backed up by a variety of alternative crime reporting measures. As a word of caution, I will note that the declines are probably slightly overstated. I'd suspect that, consistent with other data sources, we are currently on pace for about a 20% decline in murders instead of 25% and that additional murders will be added to the database to make those numbers work out.
Unsurprisingly, this is false. The violent crime rate in 2019 was 380.8 while the violent crime rate in 2022 was 380.7 (both per 100,000 people). Every indication is that violent crime has dropped substantially since then (although we will have to wait for the full numbers to be sure).
FBI's latest data shows 'historic' drop in crime, Attorney General Merrick Garland says "Murders dropped by more than 26% in the same time period, the data shows. The FBI has not released details about the number of incidents for the categories of crime. It will do so when 80% participation levels are met, the agency said." Question for FBI Why are you releasing 26% figure if 80% participation levels aren’t met? Just trying to pander for votes?
Trumpsters hate when America does well. They would be much happier if crime was out of control (which, if you are stupid enough to watch fox, is probably what they are reporting).
This is really good news. Not just politically but as evidence at least in one respect the nation is not deteriorating. Excessive crimes leads to general discontent and sometimes authoritarianism.
It really has no bearing politically. Crime is vibes based in politics, stats are meaningless, if people haven't learned this lesson by now, I don't know when they will. People see visibly homeless people or a viral video of retail theft and think crime is out of control. That's what we are dealing with. Stats and data are not going to stop authoritarianism, in fact, sometimes those things go hand in hand.
Can't be md - Did you clear these stats with the Republican National Committee? Crime only increases under Democrats and especially Biden. Must be a misprint.
I like it wg. Follow the damn rules WE GIVE YOU, or face the consequences! Comand and Control, all that. We may split hairs on some issues but on many we find common ground. Interesting how crime statistics are skewed. We have posters here that LOVE to post when an immigrant male murders a white woman but on the very day of a crime like that there are about 100 American on American murders, primarily with fire arms, - every - single - day.