Discussion in 'GatorGrowl's Diamond Gators' started by Gatorgal04, Jun 8, 2024.
Now +3 on middle-infield plays in the inning
Now we need Donay to step it up
Put the little lefty hitter here and bunt?
Man on 1B / 0 outs B/B - Donay HOMERS
Guess not
Atta boy Brody!
Ladies and gentleman, I give you Mr All or Nothing
Even a broken clock is right twice a day. Way to go Brody Donay!!!!!
Then get you that from Donay every once in a while
Jake.....Jake Donay....from State Farm......
That is some easy opposite field power for Donay.
Brody's more the Geico cavemen from.. what.. 20 years ago? But I'll take it!
He like the straight ball very very much
Donay doesn't hit many but when he does look out. Big HR.
Well Brody heard me telling him he needed to step it up ,)
Wing Keep using that reverse psychology on Donay.. ITS WORKING..
Donays swings seem so slow through the zone even with that HR
Thx for not listening to me Sully