Correct. I only get to decide whether their bullshit excuse for invading their sovereign neighbor and pillaging its resources matters to me. I have decided that it doesn’t. The West, by and large, has also decided that it doesn’t. If Ukraine suddenly decides it wants to enter into reunion with Russia, then I have no problem with that either. Until that day, Ukraine has my full support to fight as hard as it can, and Russia has my full contempt to lose as many young men as it takes for them to get the message.
What Russia thinks is irrelevant. Ukraine is an independent state and they are fighting the war against Russia. If they didn’t want to fight they could stop and subjugate themselves to Russia.
Of course what Russia thinks is relevant. It amazes me how people want to take on this cowboy persona when it comes to America projecting military strength across the globe. It's relevant in assessing the level of threat and how far Russia may be willing to go to meet its objectives. I gather from what I know about the region, its history and the belligerents involved, that this is closer to Stalingrad than it is Afghanistan. It absolutely matters what Russia thinks. How else are we to gauge their willingness to introduce WMD into the mix? Or their will to prosecute the war no matter the cost?
So if we think there is a chance of WMD we should just let Russia or anybody else for that matter do what they want?
This could be a big deal. Russia has relied on the fact that they could safely hide on their side of the border. Now their logistical infrastructure on the other side of the border will get hammered and puts Russia on the defensive.
Western media were just repeating what the Ukrainians told them early in the war (and Ukrainians were largely trained on storytelling by the Russians). As the war progressed, western media demanded greater accuracy and proof, which Ukraine generally provided when possible. Russian media sources were never pressured to tell the truth, so they continued to repeat Kremlin propaganda. Maybe you should try thinking before you post, and understanding how the world works.
They will almost certainly use the same number of nukes as they did in Afghanistan, their last major, multi-year war of conquest. This is no more an existential war for Russia than the Afghanistan War was. As long as Russian government is not militarily threatened, Russia will not use nukes. Ukraine has already hit military factories in the Moscow area, so Moscow is not a red line for Putin. There is no way that Moscow wants NATO (or nuclear weapons targeting Moscow) to become part of this war, and using nukes greatly increases the chances of those two options. Just like Afghanistan, when Russia has had enough, they will end the war, and possibly end Putin's term as dictator. Cowardly Americans (and their unwillingness to support Ukraine) are probably one of the main reasons that Putin still thinks he has a chance to win this war. Afghanistan won their war with Russia because they were determined, and they had the unwavering support of the United States. Americans were not cowards in the 1980's.
BWAHAHAHA ! ! ! Ukraine is not Russia's "baby". You don't rape & torture your baby and steal its washing machines. Ukraine is one of the nicer and more productive parts of the old Russian empire. Russian jealousy over what Ukraine has achieved (and Russia has not) is partly fueling this desire for conquest. Also, beautiful locations like Odessa and Crimea also drive the desire for conquest, in addition to the $12 trillion in minerals and massive amounts of farmland. Russia has been trying for years to conquer Ukraine from within, inserting Russian agitators and terrorists into the country to cause trouble and foment dissent. This is no more than a crappy and violent neighborhood invading and trying to take over a more civilized and successful neighborhood.
Adults shouldn’t be allowed to say that Ukraine is an independent state. They are sold to the US and are dying for Joe Biden.
Retired U.S. colonels weigh in on how the U.S. military would likely fare in direct conflict vs. Russia. SPOILER ALERT: We’d get our asses kicked …
People: “I won’t listen to any intel unless it comes from a high ranking US officer.” Me: “Here’s a high ranking US officer.” Same people: “He’s unreliable, a crackpot!”
Haven't posted from DK in a while, as their coverage has slowed down - but thought the blurb on EW was a good one: Ukraine Invasion Day 833 "Give me what I want or the Wall Street Journal dude dies in prison."
I can see that being illiterate is holding you back quite a bit in life. "Not being a slam dunk" does not equal "Getting our asses kicked". Someone with minimal literacy skills should know that. It would probably be more of a layup for the U.S. to defeat Russia than a slam dunk. It's likely that the colonel is simply beating the drums for things like more artillery shells and drone technology, and an answer to Russia's EW capabilities. I won't go to your (likely contaminated) website to find out, however.
Encouraging Russia to hold him hostage with his life in the balance for voting for Trump. Instead of actually encouraging his release now. Trump is siding with Putin. So despicable.
I must admit I'd prefer to see new sources with the same or similar credentials giving the same analysis. MacGregor has his concerns. We get it. Also, we can do without the Ritter guy. Give us some variety and someone who doesn't have his record.