A member of the party is a Democrat. The name of the party is Democratic. Jesus I’ve shown you references but you still won’t believe it.
I typically prefer the wives of presidents to the presidents themselves. Since the late 80s at least Barbara bush would have been a better choice than George senior. I preferred Hillary to bill and so on and so on to the losers I think I preferred tipper to Al and Dukakis’s wife that Dukakis. I could go on for days. I think it’s because the wives have never had to compromise to please special interests.
That’s all fine but the party is the Democratic Party. Period. You can call it what you want, for whatever reason, but it isn’t correct.
Yeah, but when the alternative is a guy who is clearly losing it mentally and physically and quite frankly isn’t fit for another four years of office, there is a choice to be made. Especially with Kamala Harris, who is basically the lamp shade you are referring to, being his VP. For me and many other Americans, unfortunately it comes down to the lesser of two evils.
You think trump is the lesser of two evils? You think he is less mentally stable than Biden. I will vote for Biden again and he is the only democrat I have ever voted for. Trump is the only president in my lifetime who I think is a threat to the American way of life. I think he is the only man since Aaron Burr who hasn’t respected the outcome of the election. I think I have to read up on Aaron Burr to be sure.
A criminal versus a guy who is pretty reasonable, but too old? Oh wait - the old guy has a VP who served as Attorney General of the most populace state in the country, and as a US senator. But she is terrible because.....? Because right-wing media? I've said it before : we're probably witnessing the demise of our country. But at least it's interesting to watch.
Not me. Melania seems more like trump light in her politics. Hell, I'd vote for Stormy before id vote for Melania. At least Stormy is an honest pro_______.
This concept would be easy for most 5 year olds to grasp, but apparently not so much for some resident board posters.
The two major political parties in the US are the Democratic Party and the Republican Party. The Democrat Party only exists in the minds of Republicans and supporters of that party who are triggered by name Democratic.
It started around the time of Andrew Jackson. The primary party was previously the Democratic-Republican party, which then divided into the Democratic Party and Republican Party. It has never been the Democrat party. Jacksonian democracy - Wikipedia. I’m really confused as to whether people in here don’t know this and refuse to believe it, or are just being trolls.
To be fair, though, he was running against an adulterous rapist criminal, who was also a Russian asset. So there is that...
I guess I could come back at you with an equally classless post but no need to get into a pissin contest with u
Indeed you could. Reply with a classless post, that is. What you could NOT do, however, is accurately state that I supported an adulterous, rapist, convicted criminal who was overtly assisted in an election by Russia. It appears, though, that I can accurately say that about you. You must be proud.