Utter nonsense about the six month delay giving the Russians a leg up. Weapons never stopped coming. The problem is that weapons don’t make a difference when you’re running out of people to use them.
One reason why the war has lasted longer than practically anyone predicted: takes a long time to kill a million people this way …
Where are you getting that Russia has the largest nuclear arsenal in the world? I thought that was us
Depending on the source Russia has slightly more total, deployable and is modernizing faster. Not that that makes much of a difference if we release our lot and they release their lot … Nuclear Weapons: Who Has What at a Glance | Arms Control Association
I agree that dropping a tactical nuke would not necessarily result in a full nuclear strike. At least I hope so, but some of the nuclear protocols date back to the Cold War. Once you start dropping nukes all bets are off. But regardless, I’m pretty certain dropping a tactical would result in direct confrontation with NATO. And we all know Russia wants no part of that.
Yes, Russia and previously the Soviet Union, have had a distinct advantage in sheer volume of nuclear warheads since I can remember. Not that it matters. Without looking, I'm sure the rationale for it was more land area to cover/protect. Which makes sense.
To take the point even further, I'm skeptical Russia dropping a tactical in east Ukraine would draw much of a confrontation from NATO at all, for the same reasons. It would be delaying the inevitable and NATO would have to operate under constant fear of a tactical being dropped on them as they attempt their counteroffensive by conventional means. I'm guessing the way it would play out is, Russia drops the tactical, wipes out tens of thousands of Ukrainian soldiers. NATO holds 10,000 meetings and press conferences condemning, huffing and puffing. A couple months more of conventional ground fighting goes on between the Ukrainians and Russians and then out of the blue, a peace treaty is signed.
Great Britain isn't very accessible by land. I'm guessing tanks don't represent much of a priority to them. But hey, given how swiftly the Russian tank brigades are sailing through the Ukrainian mud like a hot knife through buttah, why GB best get their tank forces up to speed STAT!
I disagree. Escalating with nukes crosses a line that can’t be ignored. Which is exactly why Russia won’t do it. They’ve been huffing and puffing about nukes for 2 years.
...just California to go, from the current Russian front to NATO... In a terrifying 2+ years! C'mon man...just stop. Russia ins't scary. They're scared.