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When Will Trump Supporters Stop Being Wrong?

Discussion in 'Too Hot for Swamp Gas' started by PD, May 31, 2024.

  1. wgbgator

    wgbgator Premium Member

    Apr 19, 2007
    See, when the fascists round us up I'm gonna have to listen to this type of lecture from liberals in the cell, and it will be worse torture than the actual Nazis, so I suppose I'll be looking forward to when they take a hammer to my balls for being a commie or whatever
    • Funny Funny x 7
  2. BigCypressGator1981

    BigCypressGator1981 GC Hall of Fame

    Oct 11, 2011
    Is anyone even surprised that MAGA nation is tripling down after he gets hit with 34 felony convictions? I know I'm not.
    • Agree Agree x 3
  3. Gatorhead

    Gatorhead GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 3, 2007
    Andy, - It's a tragedy.

    Have you noticed that persons like MTG, Hawley, Gaetz, Bobbert, Jordan and that lot, they do not participate in the Gov't process
    of legislation creation or doing the work they are supposed to do. I read somewhere Jordan has never produced any meaningful
    bills other than political hackery and chicanery. I'm not saying democrats dont do this but the MAGA GOP in office seem to have only one agenda -
    Trump idolatry, and disinformation. Not only that they support Putin, the dismantling of NATO and disengagment from international affairs
    AND the U.S. strategic positions, so hard fought for, since WW2.

    I am not seduced by the cult of personality and especially a person that likes to parrot "All our problems are because of the Other".
    (Think Immigration) Thats facist ideology.

    This planet and our very ecosystem are under threat for continued human prosperity. The day is coming when Republicans, Democrats and
    Independents will rue the day our society did not better prepare and respond to the threats Americans and humanity face instead of this
    unceasing tribalism and bitter partisanship.
    • Fistbump/Thanks! Fistbump/Thanks! x 2
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  4. murphree_hall

    murphree_hall GC Hall of Fame

    Jul 11, 2019
    You know… in the thread that got shut down where the OP was saying he wouldn’t stand for the pledge, anthem, or flag… I actually am perfectly fine with that. I don’t agree with the calls for violence or not paying taxes, but the other stuff… fair game. I don’t need to celebrate Trump’s loss in their faces. This isn’t personal to me, it’s just business and I really don’t take pleasure in it.

    I think it’s healthy that citizens can choose to not stand for the flag or anthem if they don’t feel like it is holding up to their ideals. I don’t think that Trump’s legal issues are worthy of the cause, but if they feel it is, so be it.
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  5. PD

    PD VIP Member

    Apr 3, 2007
    You concede that the Nazis are going to round you up and put you in a cell with us, and you blame your cellmates rather than your captors?
  6. GolphinGator

    GolphinGator GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 9, 2007
    Gainesville/ Micanopy
    Trump can still vote as he is not legally bared from voting unless he is sitting in jail. Florida will go by NY law since he was convicted there and NY law lets felons vote unless they are locked up at the time of the election.
    • Informative Informative x 2
  7. wgbgator

    wgbgator Premium Member

    Apr 19, 2007
    Ultimately, it looks like I get interrogated no matter where I land :)
    • Funny Funny x 2
  8. slayerxing

    slayerxing GC Hall of Fame

    Aug 14, 2007
    Eff that. Take the lap. Conservatives everywhere should feel bad about the votes they cast that brought us here.
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  9. Gatorhead

    Gatorhead GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 3, 2007
    It's incredible

    Elected a guy who ran on a B.S. birth certificate issue as his "cause celeb", a B.S. slogan (make America Great again) and who blamed all American problems
    on immigrants. SMH
  10. gatorchamps960608

    gatorchamps960608 GC Hall of Fame

    Jul 4, 2020
    I believe it's actually written that you can't vote if sentenced to incarceration. So if he is sentenced to that on 7/11 but allowed to stay out while he appeals, he still can't vote.
  11. AndyGator

    AndyGator GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 10, 2007
    Is it against the GC rules?
  12. OklahomaGator

    OklahomaGator Jedi Administrator Moderator VIP Member

    Apr 3, 2007
    First, I don't think I would call @PD irregular. I have had my share of disagreements with his positions in the past but you have to concede he typically has the facts in his favor. And he has frequented this board on many occasions.
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  13. sierragator

    sierragator GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 8, 2007
    If the gop keeps losing elections, maybe they will do some soul searching and come up with candidates and actual policy positions that appeal to enough of the electorate to be a sustainable and viable political party instead of the shitshow they are now.
  14. tilly

    tilly Superhero Mod. Fast witted. Bulletproof posts. Moderator VIP Member

    Lol. You literally came here and "regurgitated" what many liberals have posted a million times and your blanket statement aimed at conservatives is why YOU are part of the problem.

    Many of us conservatives are celebrating Trump getting what he deserves.

    YOU are one of the most ideologically entrenched posters to grace this board historically. It's really rich of you to cast stones.

    But make no mistake, you share an opinion with many conservatives. Trump getting his due is a great thing indeed.

    Now show me THAT on Fox news. :)
    • Winner Winner x 1
  15. tilly

    tilly Superhero Mod. Fast witted. Bulletproof posts. Moderator VIP Member

    Careful. He will think you are a conservative for disagreement.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  16. tilly

    tilly Superhero Mod. Fast witted. Bulletproof posts. Moderator VIP Member

    Lol. He isnt a conservative genius. He may be one of the furthest from it on this board.

    There you have it folks.
    • Agree Agree x 1
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  17. Contra

    Contra GC Hall of Fame

    May 15, 2023
    Personally, I'll be happy when Trump passes away. I wish he would have retired from politics in 2020. I think the Republican party can unite behind someone else, but Trump unfortunately is going to have to leave the picture for that to happen.
    • Winner Winner x 1
  18. tilly

    tilly Superhero Mod. Fast witted. Bulletproof posts. Moderator VIP Member

    I hate that I did it in 2016. I deeply regret it in fact. But posters who only crawl out when they win are like the UF fans that only rooted for us during the Urban years.

    PD is a great poster on the sports side, but is deeply far left and his post here that as wgb points out is just a regurgitation of what has been said 1000 times is par for the course

    His calling a *far from* conservative a conservative is all you need to know about how left he is.
    • Fistbump/Thanks! Fistbump/Thanks! x 1
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  19. GolphinGator

    GolphinGator GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 9, 2007
    Gainesville/ Micanopy
    You may be correct. I was just repeating what a tv attorney said.
  20. tilly

    tilly Superhero Mod. Fast witted. Bulletproof posts. Moderator VIP Member

    I will never cheer anyone's death outside of the OBL types, but I agree that this is how it will be until he simply cant do it anymore.

    Its absolutely insane the grip he has on my former party
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