Mostly because you can get more purchase to put spin on the ball. A less effective way to use the scuff is to get more aerodynamic grip on the spin and get a bit more break. Just a bit more armside and sink on a two seamer but that takes some instruction. More break on a curve or slider is probably better served with using the scuff for grip to impart more spin and not for aerodynamics.
Yep—back then there was a much truer meaning to the descriptive “cutter” than in today’s world….. you’re 100% on the breaking balls.
Well struck balls at Hoover Met are largely long fly ball outs—we need to go center cut as much as possible.
The yard-tall, blinking red pitch clock (which only seems to be counting right half the time) is roughly 60% as obnoxious as the whistler.
Agree having that stigma had the Suck the energy out of the poor sap. I bet he felt like the winds of life were Blowing against him. I guess he Erected several defense mechanisms to protect his esteem. Surely this was not Pleasurable.
It appears the pitching plan for Vandy is to let us get ourselves out . Throw it up there and we hit those pretty fly balls to the warning track