"Following recent Ukrainian military operations targeting Russian military assets in Crimea, UK Defence Intelligence has assessed a weakening in Russia’s capabilities to defend the airspace around the peninsula. The destruction of components of the S-400 anti-air system at Belbek airfield, including a radar system and launchers, as well as the loss of at least two MiG-31BM aircraft, marks the fourth instance in the past month of Russian air defence in Crimea sustaining damages." MSN
Speaking for myself, I never claimed anything like this. Russia has 3 brigades at the most dedicated to the Kharkiv incursion. That’s roughly 15,000 troops. Hardly enough to simply overrun Kharkiv in a matter of days. That said, it’s worrisome someone actually working for and studying in our military thought Russia had 500,000 troops barreling for Kharkiv.
There are various YouTube channels that literally exist for the sole purpose of dissecting every facet of this war using geolocation, satellite imagery and intercepted communication, among other things. What I don’t understand is how you and @uftaipan think there are a half a million new Russian troops in the Kharkiv theatre. There are perhaps not even 500,000 Russian troops total in all of the occupied territory of Ukraine, let alone dedicated to the besieging one city. And to top it off, not only do you believe that fairy tale, but you think Ukraine is actually able to fend off an additional 500.000 troops who entered the field at once. What are you smoking? I demand some of it today.
Dude, stop going there. I cited this article that claims Russia has earmarked 500K for an offensive on Kharkiv. You want to assassinate someone’s analysis, then take it up with Jack Watling of Royal United Services Institute. I don’t have the first idea how they do their analysis. You certainly don’t have any better idea than they do how many troops Russia has dedicated toward this area. And the fact that you tend to believe obviously false information about Russia’s overall intentions and their casualties suggests you shouldn’t be challenging anyone’s professional judgement. Russia, despite its enormous advantages in resources, still has gotten ground to a stalemate for over two years. Worry about that next time you prognosticate that Russian decisive victory is coming, like, any day now. Ukraine withdraws troops near Kharkiv, Russia enters Vovchansk in new offensive
Yeah seconded. And I don’t think I’ve said anywhere how many troops I think there are near Kharkiv. I saw that 500k number and assumed that was theatre wide. What’s funny about you citing YouTube is that you gave me so much shit for citing dailykos who spends time aggregating trusted sources from mil bloggers on telegram and similar sources. Lmao.
Jake's fundraiser has concluded raising close to $1.2 million in a week. The first video includes a 3 minute look at the shop in Estonia converting these trucks. $600K is going to purchase 30 of these modified trucks, the rest to purchase drones. If anyone has insight about the drones mentioned, any information would be appreciated. It gets a little depressing knowing we have Russian sympathizers in our midst, in Congress and elsewhere. But it is also comforting to know over 15,000 people contributed money to a relative stranger to kelp Ukraine defeat the war criminal Putin. To any of you who contributed, thank you and may good Karma come your way. The second video is for you.
You see slayer's posts. Looks like he took your article that claims as the gospel. Monkey see, monkey do I reckon.
WeebUnion is 10,000 times better and more accurate than anything on Dailykos. Just straight analysis without the cheerleading. He will tell you when Ukraine is winning and when they are losing. Same with the Russkis. Dailykos is a political rag. Stay away from political rags for real war analysis.
As you like. We can revisit the topic if and when Russia takes Kharkiv. The way things stand now, I have learned to stop betting against Ukraine. And as I now sense the West is, at very long last, losing patience with Russian aggression and closing with direct involvement, I now have to assess that time is increasingly on Ukraine’s side. But we will see.
I think you're sensing through rose-colored glasses and I'm not attempting to disrespect you in any way by saying this. I think the only reason Ukraine has a pulse is due to the extension of more billions in military aid. Which was all but dead until Trump had a meeting with Johnson at Mar-a-Lago. And so it seems Trump gave Johnson the green light on more aid. Which means that initially Trump was okay with not giving more aid. And so what you're sensing then is that Trump had a change of heart and I would warn you that election year politics often bring out the worst in our policymakers. It is highly doubtful Trump had some sort of magical epiphany. More likely it is that he is setting Ukraine up for the kill shot. Think about it, he insulates himself from the Russia, Russia, Russia rhetoric from the left (which is WHY IT IS SO DANGEROUS TO MAKE UP FAKE SHIT -- Dems, are you listening?!?) And also, he sets it up where he'll have two massive aid packages that were abject failures to point to instead of just one. So that when he takes office 8 months from now, Ukraine will be in dire straits and Trump will force Zelenskyy to the table. When Z cries about lack of assistance, Trump has the ace up his sleeve in that he gave the green light to Johnson to double down on aid and it still flopped. What better justification for Trump to pull out for good. And the best part is it will be spun (rightfully so) as another Biden foreign policy failure as Ukraine will be whipped before Trump is inaugurated. And let's just say your boys in Kyiv actually gain the upper hand. Then Trump can say "I saved Ukraine. Literally. I saved Ukraine." Either way, Trump wins. Proving himself the ultra-savvy politico that he is. Whether you love him, hate him or are indifferent towards Trump, he is playing this beautifully. Most likely, Ukraine won't re-gain any lost territory of significance before Trump is inaugurated and Trump will drop them like a one-night stand after he's sworn in. I support Trump over Biden every day of the week, but I am not up his ass so much to miss the fact that he's just another politician. And he's playing this as a game of political chess. He doesn't give a damn about Ukraine. And for your thesis to be correct, it will come down to whether or not Trump gives a damn about Ukraine, because Biden is a lame duck and lame ducks don't thrust America into direct engagement with the former Soviet Union. It will be left to Trump and Trump will 100% bail on Ukraine (with good reason, mind you).
Lol I followed some of that stuff during the counter offensive lol. By some of the numbers Weeb was posting Ukraine lost several hundred western tanks when they didn't even have that many lol. but sure, by all means, all your sources are the best and all ours are the worst, i'm sure.
Also why do we care if there is cheerleading? I mean Dailykos posts sad stuff all the time - good news and bad, etc. But of course, they are rooting for Ukraine... I find it so weird that you ARE NOT rooting for Ukraine.
not any day now but if you can't understand how the body blows taking out fuel, weapons depots, C & C centers, railroads, bridges won't leave the russian head exposed then you are just being willfully ignorant. just a damn shame it took the west this long to give Ukraine the ability to take out the russian logistics and C & C centers with the stupidity being compounded by the pubs delaying aid at the urging of the orange cult messiah
I hope that you don't really think you knew the true amount of Western tanks Ukraine had. As if they release that information to the world like a company holding an earnings call. Usually militaries that are up against it aren't releasing real figures for consumption to the common keyboard warrior in the U.S. and media. Weeb has been very honest. Almost all the predictions he makes are not more than a few days out and that serves him well, for obvious reasons. Dailykos is a joke compared to Weeb if you're simply looking for hardcore ground updates without a slant. He does the same videos for Israel / Gaza. Just lays it out there.. no BS rah rah.
maybe in support positions well behind the lines to allow the Ukranians doing those jobs to move forward. Macron seems very close to making that happen
do you think that US or other foreign pilots no longer in the military would be given opportunity by Ukraine to fly the f-16's being delivered to Ukraine? I have to think that more than one qualified aviator might be itching to help take control of the skies over the battlefield and go head up against some russian fighters what a great opportunity to deploy the recently developed ai piloted planes. No us pilots but a great real world test of the ai piloted fighters I have been reading about