Which party will win the Presidency, Senate, and House in 2024? Bit of an awkward poll, but there are 8 possible combinations, so there are 8 choices. The order is Presidency, Senate, House. So choosing D R D means you think Dems will win the Presidency, lose the Senate, and win the House. You can change your answer over time as things lean one way or the other. It's early and things are going to change.
If there is indeed a God in heaven, my RRR pick will prove wrong. But I don't think so. I'm convinced that we are entering a period of great(er) American Trumpy shame.
For now, I'm going with the optimistic DDD. I think the Presidency and Senate are tossups. I think the Dems have the advantage for the House. A lot can and will change.
I wish I had any reason at all to share your optimism. Americans are watching a years-long invasion of Ukraine, war crimes in Israel, a huge portion have zero interest in being even informed on any issues, instead choosing to embrace a fake reality, are abjectly ignorant on issues of economics, immigration and health care.........and our apparently most pressing issue is that some golfer got arrested for a traffic violation. This, now that Taylor Swift attending football games is no longer an issue. I'll say those words that have rarely, if ever, been said before; Lindsey Graham had it right. We will deserve it.
If I was forced to bet, as of today, I’d say RRD but it’s going to be so close in so many races I think it could just as easily be a sweep in either direction because the vp gives the party with the president a tie breaker if the senate is a 50-50 split.
I think the dems take back the house, senate is a tie 50/50, and can’t see Trump winning with women so skewed against him this cycle. But like mentioned above all 8 combinations seem possible.
Adding the 538 forecast link, currently showing Biden as a very slight favorite. Who Is Favored To Win The 2024 Presidential Election?
I went ahead and changed my vote back to DDD. Kamala is going to win and bring the House and Senate with her.