Doesn't bother me at all. It wouldn't be a good day on the board if someone isn't attacking me for something. I rather like it as it confirms they either read or thought about my comments whether we agree or disagree.
That is another item no one ever pays full price for so it’s hard to follow. You shouldn’t pay over $6 and some change and usually it’s a bit over $5 for a 12 pack unless you buy at the gas station. Right now they are half price at buy one get one. Smallest discount is usually 40% at buy 3 get 2 which you don’t have to do in my state to get the price.
Saw on TikTok. Super cute and love the accent. She is demonstrating demand at a price though. They lost her business at 9 quit for two cones apparently.
True, but there were food CEOs bragging during the pandemic that they were able to raise profits without losing business. They are losing it now and acting accordingly. McDonald’s is going back to adding a value meal, consumers have greatly increased use of store brands, and now overall price hikes have stopped, at least for now. But when you compare store brands with name prices, it’s often double. Supply issues should hit all equally, and half the name brands I avoid now don’t even advertise, or have any other excuse for the massive disparities, other than profit.
Because people with low self esteem like to feel good about themselves and this place affords them that opportunity.
Holy smokes... this is reason enough for me to forgive Biden of open borders... war mongering... part policies that fosters rampant inflation... witch hunt he has directed against President Trump... and all the other federal policy failures he is DIRECTLY RESPONSIBLE FOR. Yes, the reduced inflationary prices of 12 packs of soda are a great reason to exclaim that our-of-control inflation is now under control.
Where is that at? Even Sams Club and Walmart are higher than $5.00 a 12 pack. I think Sams Club is a little over $18.00 for a 35 pack. Places like Publix and Winn Dixie do not offer 12 packs of Coke products at buy one get one free. It is buy 2 and get on free. Even at that with prices at both Winn Dixie and Publix with buy 2 get one free equals more than $6.00 a 12 pack.
Kroger/Teeter $5.25. Charlotte. NC they make the store give you however many you want. 1,2 all 4 for the same price. Not sure if a law or not.
And Trump? He is regularly shopping? Something tells me Biden knows how to operate like a regular Joe more than Gold Toilet Trump.
lol ... I always feel like I'm cheating when I just get one of the bogo.... but the wife does it all the time.
Coca Cola bragged about not changing pricing until consumer behavior warranted it. Initially they claimed aluminum prices but generic soda and beer hardly went up in that time. Obviously the price of soda isn't a real world hardship and I don't like the price Increases but when I think something is overpriced I don't but it. Plenty of good generic options when there aren't sales on the name brand. We can "afford" diet Coke at $9 and change but we don't buy it at those prices because it's just a money grab for them. It also justifies their increases and leads to more in the future as long as people fork out their hard earned money for it.
Take your broad stroke brush and go paint somewhere else. That comment is a bad as the right wing putting every non maga a socialist liberal. Your binary view isn’t helpful in discussions.
I think the supply issues may not have hit all equally as not all companies source from the same place. In crunch when demand out strips supply price hikes are common and people will if they can pay up. If they can’t then they swap to cheaper brands or just don’t buy and the price usually responds accordingly. Personally I dealt with it during a rebuild in 2021, some stuff we switched to other options others we didn’t have a choice and had to pay more. Many subs jacked their prices because they could as they knew they had too much demand, similar thing happened in 2005-2006 then they were hammered in 08-09.