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Note on Cormani

Discussion in 'Awesome Recruiting' started by candymanfromgc, May 13, 2024.

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  1. Endless Excuses

    Endless Excuses GC Hall of Fame

    Jan 13, 2010
    I love it with the what about Hernandezisms. Probably same people blaming USC for OJ killing someone a decade later. He was a good player at UF but not a lynchpin of our team. Urban could have replaced him in the system in 2 seconds and still beat OSU by the same amount in the NC. Not sure FSU could replace the rapist and still beat anyone outside of the ACC garbage. Thats why they looked the other way for the rapist. For god sakes we still are sacking Troy Smith to this day with or without Hernandez.
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  2. paidinfull

    paidinfull GC Hall of Fame

    Feb 22, 2017
    I’ve never heard anyone blame USC for OJ, but he’s definitely as much their problem as AH is ours.
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  3. Skink

    Skink GC Hall of Fame

    In my mind it’s 2 separate issues.

    1) It’s incorrect to suggest that Hernandez wasn’t a key player on our offense. He was as good a TE as has ever played the game, at UF and also at N.E. in the NFL. Aaron Hernandez was money on the field, and it’s disingenuous to suggest otherwise in a ‘we didn’t need him anyway’ kind of argument.

    2) Aaron Hernandez was not a murderer when he was at UF. He wasn’t a saint by any stretch, but he didn’t get convicted of anything that would have warranted getting thrown off the team. To attribute his actions after leaving for the NFL back to UF in an effort to bring UF down to the crime cover-up level of UGa and ref$u is even more disingenuous.
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    • Wish I would have said that Wish I would have said that x 1
  4. Matthanuf06

    Matthanuf06 GC Hall of Fame

    Sep 13, 2007
    We can’t possibly be comparing rape and murder to trolling.

    If you look we have plenty of guys that trolled other teams during their recruitment. What Cormani did is not that rare.

    I get that we get our feelings hurt when we are trolled and we ignore when our recruits troll other teams. But from a moral “good kid” standpoint, it’s equivalent

    Now he may have a bad work ethic, may be too skinny, etc. That’s a totally different thing. Transfers under these circumstances generally do not work out.
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  5. Distant Gator

    Distant Gator GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 9, 2007
    Upstate, SC
    Just wanted to say you are a cool guy Murphree, and I love your posts.
    I don't agree w/ everything above but I know you are a great Gator.
    Just please quit spreading crap about AH while he was here. There are plenty of others who will do that.
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  6. antny1

    antny1 GC Hall of Fame

    Dec 3, 2019
    Since there is now a separate Cormani commitment thread I'll say my piece about hernandez here.

    Meyer joked that hernandez would be in jail if he wasn't in football and the structure of competitive sports. We thought he was joking and maybe he was with a bit of half truth.

    There was a sports illustrated article I remember reading when Hernandez signed his big contract with the patriots. He praised Kraft for giving him the contract and the chance to continue being a better person and openly lamented where he would be without football and the patriots. It was a fluff piece and he came off as genuinely grateful for his place in life. I can't seem to find any trace of it now but the sportsworld loved his story at the time.

    Whether he was putting on an act or just reverted to his old ways we don't know but there is a lot of revisionist history used to denigrate the Gators about his situation.

    Winston didn't murder anyone and wasn't convicted of rape but his situation and the complicity of the university, police dept, district attorney and fan base was as disgusting as it gets. They dragged the girls name through the mud and called her a cleat chaser despite the fact that her allegations occurred before Winston set foot on the field and had any name value other than as a celebrated recruit. They made no effort to investigate the cab driver, look at ANY security video and in fact gave him a heads up that he was going to be investigated allowing him to get a jump on securing counsel.

    Conviction or not his episode was awful and you'd be hard pressed to find any situation similar regarding an active florida player and how the university, fan base and police department handled it.
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  7. Skink

    Skink GC Hall of Fame

    You can’t possibly be serious. But true to form, you probably are
  8. gatorwalrus

    gatorwalrus GC Hall of Fame

    Sep 24, 2022
    That is why I used a question mark. To my understanding CM has had 0 legal transgressions, only acting a fool. I just don't agree with the parallel being made given the different contexts behind each player.
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  9. gatorwalrus

    gatorwalrus GC Hall of Fame

    Sep 24, 2022
    I've never posted on Too Hot
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  10. gatorwalrus

    gatorwalrus GC Hall of Fame

    Sep 24, 2022
    If you are going to complain about revisionist history, at least don't refer to the OSU championship game that took place while he was still in highschool.
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  11. Crusher

    Crusher GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 19, 2007
    Nobody did.
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  12. Crusher

    Crusher GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 19, 2007
    Dude, go back and read the thread more carefully. No one made that parallel.
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  13. Skink

    Skink GC Hall of Fame

    It wasn’t you I was referring to. I hold you in higher regards than that Walrus
    Coo coo cachoo
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  14. Wanne15

    Wanne15 GC Hall of Fame

    Jan 18, 2015
    If he wasn’t family he’d be shit canned already.
  15. Wanne15

    Wanne15 GC Hall of Fame

    Jan 18, 2015
    He’s with us now. I hope our lockeroom has a positive influence and he beccomes statue worthy.
  16. Wanne15

    Wanne15 GC Hall of Fame

    Jan 18, 2015
    I did read an article after oj died about a girl that was sexually assaulted by oj. A girl that worked for usc told the story of usc paying the girl of and the usc assistant had to sign something not to talk about it.
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  17. Wanne15

    Wanne15 GC Hall of Fame

    Jan 18, 2015
    I’m more talking about the difference between UF and fsu. UF sends kids packing for a lot less.
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  18. filamg8torfan

    filamg8torfan GC Hall of Fame

    Mar 17, 2019
  19. Endless Excuses

    Endless Excuses GC Hall of Fame

    Jan 13, 2010
    Exactly my point...
  20. Endless Excuses

    Endless Excuses GC Hall of Fame

    Jan 13, 2010
    Great TE at UF for sure but looking at our NC team we were stacked top to bottom. An adjustment here and there and a crushing defense still results in same NC in the end. Someone please let me know why Kraft and the Pats arent dragged to a worse degree than UF. It seems most of his most serious issues occurred there and not at UF yet the finger doesnt point up there one bit. His CTE brain wasting disease was likely much worse as time dragged on and yet no one fingers the Pats for looking the other way.
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